Racist Attempts To Get Black Family Arrested

Published 2018-07-06
This man doesn’t like sharing a pool with black people. Grace Baldridge, Kim Horcher, Jason Carter, and Aida Rodriguez break it down. Watch The Young Turks YouTube TV NOW: youtube.com/browse/UCcYIW1doY-ArwqFqw8HNj0Q

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"A white man who challenged a black family’s use of a private community’s pool has not only resigned from the homeowners association board — he’s lost his job.

Sonoco announced Friday that Adam Bloom is no longer employed by the packaging and industrial products company, saying it doesn’t condone discrimination of any kind, even if it happens outside its workplace.

A video posted on the Facebook page of Jasmine Edwards on July 4, seen more than 4 million times, shows what happened after Bloom questioned whether she was allowed to be at the pool in Winston-Salem. He also called police."

Hosts: Grace Baldridge, Kim Horcher, Jason Carter, Aida Rodriguez

Cast: Grace Baldridge, Kim Horcher, Jason Carter, Aida Rodriguez


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations.(American Heritage Dictionary)

All Comments (21)
  • People who call police for no reason, should be arrested for wasting the cops time.
  • Why aren't people arrested when they make false calls to the police?
  • @lilbit7408
    They truly do need to give out tickets for calling cops cause we black.
  • @Schiudkrot
    In my country, you have to pay wasted emergency service time if its clear that there was no reason to call it. America needs this really bad.
  • @skimp1974
    He got fired from his job. 👍🏿 Companies do not want their names co-signed on bullshit like this.
  • Actually they call the police "With" the intention that the police would escalate the situation!
  • @saininj
    This guy should face jail time for wasting the polices' time. Getting real sick of people using the police as their personal "I feel uncomfortable" hotline.
  • @BB-sf7jv
    Adam Bloom....Shame on you my fellow Jewish guy....after everything we have been through as a people how could you speak to that woman like that??? U r a disgrace
  • @uthamanj
    Can't go swimming, can't sleep on a couch, can't barbeque in a park, can't sell bottle water.........BRUH !!!!!!
  • @gameover9194
    He shoulda been arrested for harrassment at the spot. Why wasn't he?
  • Don’t ever forget. Great points! “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Martin Niemöller
  • @janetlewis2911
    Good let them start losing their jobs and housing when they are broke maybe they will be happy.
  • @dmc8092
    For Christ's sake. Just let people live their lives.
  • @Chaoitcme
    The cops should have fined him for calling the police over a non-issue and for wasting their time.
  • @yanniyanni5800
    I recently had a cop walk up on me (I'm a Sr. black citizen minding my own business) with his hand on his gun cause I was walking my dog. Ridiculous! I do not believe it will ever change, I wish I did.
  • @MrCabo-hz3xf
    It's not happening more, it's being recorded more.
  • Nice to see police actually de-escalate a situation. They should practice that more.
  • @Bozo1360
    The caller at an Ohio department store claimed a black man in the store was pointing a gun at people. The cops showed up and shot the guy dead. It was a toy gun and he was not pointing it at any one. The cops didn't even tell the guy to, "Drop the weapon." He didn't even know he was a target. Don't tell me how great America is.
  • @gardeningdianne
    I live in Australia and I shudder when all this racial prejudice hits the news. What I can't understand is, the black person is always called an African American. I have never heard an Irishman called an Irish American, an English American a French American, and so on. So, to call them an African American when they were born in America just doesn't fit. This is racial prejudice at the highest by not referring to them as just American.