
コメント (21)
  • Tragedy was watching this great Daytona video for the 2nd time with a click bait title and no tragedy info
  • @UncaDave
    Mark! Be quiet! Let the owners tell THEIR story. We know you had hard times but it’s their turn to talk!,, 😅
  • Well this is great. The guy has three more winged cars and Mark won't get to do any of them. Instead of Mark being happy for the family he wants to drive into oncoming traffic. Spending the kind of money to restore a car like this is an emotional experience. Needless to say I don't think they will want to go through that again after seeing Marks reaction to their story.
  • @eknuds
    Every time I see Mark's old Charger I always wonder why the front right wheel is so Cattywhumpus.
  • @JK-hd2zb
    Storing classic cars at sea level on a beach during a hurricane. Brilliant!
  • I really appreciate that you all had a serious conversation about keeping it unrestored. That proves your love of these cars is genuine and not just about the money. so glad you put slots on it. Nice car great color combo. Great acting too, your a funny guy.✌️
  • Mark. You are a really funny guy. I love watching your show. Every single episode. Hilarious. And it goes without saying, i am a Mopar nut because of you and Graveyard Carz. I'm praying I get a chance to have you restore one for me one day. ❤️
  • Yes Mark we feel sorry for you having a rough start in life but it made you determined and successful and you wouldn't be where you're at today if you had not had that adversity you are the man right there underneath the dagostino she still have something to strive for it's okay buddy we're all proud of where you are it doesn't matter where you came from if you're actually still alive
  • Mark you did very well with your hard start in life. Stop complaining about it, we heard it so many times you are driving viewers away. Your life turned out pretty dam good.
  • Mark I also @ 15 carried my dad's casket 1978 and again @ 18 for my mother and baby sister 1982 separate accidents both caused by drunk drivers. It molded the rest of my life especially during holidays so I know what you feel. My dad had a 1970 road runner 383/4 speed car ( goose neck shifter ) with the air grabber scoop bucket seats non console . My favorite memories but he sold the car in 1977 to Charlie Yates in Manassas Virginia a year before his death, I'm amazed that guys name came to me 48 years later however I love your show and the love you have for your childhood memories good/bad just know that you're not the only one and I hope you never change for anyone, as they say until you've walked a mile in my shoes.
  • @kappy555
    Mark's reaction to the backstory was frickin hilarious, especially because I feel the same as Mark!
  • Loved Mark's commentary and expressions during the car owner's history interview. He really is an entertainer and a good actor. Funny but I can also relate to his high school years and being on the have-not side but that just means we appreciate our accomplishments even more.
  • 40:00 Ha! I kinda started feeling the same. In 1999, 17 years old, I bought for $500 a 1987 Dodge Daytona Shelby Z. I worked on that car all year. Spending what savings I had, all my money from the job I had (I was emancipated and graduated early, long story) and by the end of the year there wasn't a single part on that car I hadn't touched, removed and re-added. In 2008, I hit a dip in the road pretty hard (Las Vegas roads can be real crappy in some places) and put a hole in the oil pan. I didn't know that, until I left an intersection, went into second gear and THUNK The whole car lurched forward. I had enough momentum to get on a side street and the engine completely died. Threw a rod and a piston seized. I was not doing too well financially, so my father let me keep the car at his house as I gathered the money and started sourcing a replacement block. Eight months later I finally got my hands on one and me and my buddy got it loaded in his truck and went to my father's house to repair it. The car was gone. I thought it was stolen somehow. No. My stepmother convinced my dad to let some dude take it, for free, for his son to work on. A month before I showed up with the replacement block. It still had stuff I was going to pull off of it, but oh well. I left it in his driveway and went home. Didn't speak to him until about 2017. I still don't speak to my stepmother.
  • @errumnor
    I love the bitter life experiance comments! Sorry buddy, but guess what, those hard experiences made you the success you are today! Way to go! Awesome show!
  • Wish my brother still had his 68 R R . Mark, we love ya & all you do for Mopar brother!
  • the two cars showed in an interview with this owner after the hurricane show a 70 vitamin C orange superbird currently being restored and tor red 69 daytona with a white stripe.
  • Favorite channel on YouTube and I think I've finally learned how to zone out Mark's whining about his childhood or how he gets a new catch phrase and runs it in to the ground by over using it. M.O.O.N. spells dead as in that horse is dead you rode it to death.
  • Love your videos and I hate to say that I like the slots and my favorite tire is the white letter t/as I have several cars and I bought several sets of slots and tires and have them stored so now that I'm retired I have all the parts to restore my cars because I knew that someday we won't be able to find the parts any way I love watching you and your crue keep up the good work thanks
  • Interesting how even with all of Mark's success and recognition as a top Mopar restoration expert he still falls right into self pity when talking about his childhood. His reflections are both uncomfortable and distracting during the episodes along with remaining a powerful force in his life - one that did not diminish with his success.