Parabol/Parabola - A Space Odyssey

Published 2020-08-25
A fanmade music & film tribute that combines two thought-provoking works of art: the music of TOOL and the visuals of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, more specifically the “Jupiter And Beyond the Infinite” segment. (Watch in FULL SCREEN to remove borders)

This video shows the synthesis between two seemingly separate pieces of art, blending them together to create a whole new experience.

Filmmaker: Stanley Kubrick

All Comments (11)
  • I just watched this film for the first time last night and i instantly thought of this song when the ending was playing.
  • @BurnsReviews
    This is really well done. The beginning is really relaxing and then boom! Full Throttle!
  • @letvca
    This is great, thank you
  • Wade. It's me. Shontelle. I'm sure that's a name you never thought you would hear again for years but here I am. I can't forget what happened. You stroked my nostrils as we lay on the beach. It was fucking chucking it down and I kept getting sand in my eye. I swallowed a small jellyfish and you got a shell stuck in your foot. Remember our wild nights dancing in the Lidl car park to Vengaboys? I sure do. I could never forget the way you used to call me your Mitsubishi Hatchback p76.