My 12 Month Fertility Journey (with God)

Published 2023-01-03
12 months, to many this doesn't seem like a long wait to fall pregnant, to others, this sounds like forever. Everyone has a different story and journey when it comes to conceiving. For me, the 12 month wait felt LOOONNNGGGG. God really took me on a journey of faith in Him during the waiting. I am sharing it all with you in this video.

Key Tip: It was when I fully surrendered all of this to God, that I fell pregnant.

All Comments (8)
  • Thanks for sharing your story. It has helped me with something I am going through at the moment. A great reminder that Gods plan is always so much better than our own <3
  • Wow this video has truly been so impactful for me! We can apply this concept to so many aspects of our life - about having faith and trusting God. Thank you so, so much for sharing and being so vulnerable! You’re amazing ❤❤
  • @Kimboo8320
    Beautifully spoken ❤️ Congratulations!
  • Thank you for sharing this Emma, All glory to our good and faithful God 🤍Your story has been encouraging to me, especially as an imperfect christian.
  • Very encouraged! Thank you for sharing! God is faithful!!