Day in the Life of a Pregnant Mum--exhausted, hormonal, tears

Published 2023-04-03
When you're pregnant life can feel overwhelming. I'm still not sure if it really is overwhelming, or whether all the hormones and exhaustion just make it feel that way. The day I decided to vlog was a tough one for me & you'll see some of that. I tend towards negativity when I'm tired and overwhelmed & you'll see that too. I'm grateful to God that not every day is like this one & I've had some much better days since!

All Comments (11)
  • Randomly came across your video and I have to subscribe!! Thank you for being so honest. Especially about being nervous with how life will be after having two kids. I am currently pregnant with my second child and my babies will only be 1 year apart 🤯 It’s just so good to hear another mom being real and honest ❤
  • @bellaw.8630
    Oh I needed this, thank you. Currently 20 weeks and struggling with balancing work, a 3 year old and home. You’re doing amazing. Thanks for sharing the other side! New subscriber from US 😊
  • I have an almost 3 year old and 35 weeks along. It's exhausting. It's exhausting enough to be pregnant😅 I'm just trying to make it to the end of this pregnancy without going crazy. We've temporarily hired intermittent cleaning help and it's been a lot of simple meals/ snack plates. On days she has a hard time playing independently I will sit near by and either read a book or listen to a podcast with earbuds on (for my own sanity). If she continues to ask me to play I'll set a visual timer or tell her I will join her after finishing a page of reading (visually showing her). Whatever you need to survive during this season of life 👍🏼 ❤
  • @lyudak16
    I am also expecting(32 weeks) & have a almost 3 year old and I can relate to you! Pregnancy has it's ups & downs! My child also asks for attention through out the day so sometimes I sit and play with him for 10-15 minutes and that tends to help. Rotating toys has also been very helpful! I also take him out to the back yard for 30-60 minutes when weather allows and they also helps!
  • Although I’m not pregnant or hormonal - can totally relate to the Mum meltdowns; I feel overwhelmed often and just disappointed in myself at how very little I’m like Jesus for my toddler. I know the weight of our responsibility as Mothers, and that Jesus is our ever present help - so I try to remember in those moments to turn to Him first thing and that He has more than enough grace for us and our little ones. Ps. Sorry I can’t help with advice for having number 2! But know you are actually doing such an amazing job, God is holding you Emma and I see it 🤍
  • @leahhodge
    Thank you Emma for being raw, real and vulnerable. To be honest, you weren't that negative at all. You're doing an amazing job with Eden. What a treasure she is. God is our strength and help in time of need. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. Let us keep encouraging one another as Christian Mothers who are seeking to lead this little humans into the Kingdom.
  • @alexDHarr
    Thank you for sharing the real! I’m a first time mom- my son is 7 months and I haven’t sleep for more than 5 hours in 7 months. It feels so nice to relate to this part of motherhood.
  • @Dr.Nellah
    I’m a first time mum to a 4 month old and I truly appreciate this video because it really is such a dichotomy. The best thing that has ever happened to me and I also LOVE IT but it’s also the most challenging thing I’ve ever done and I’ve done 6 years of med school haha 😅 my sister has 3 and from observing and talking to her I think it does get easier with more because they just independent play together and you can just let them be. You’re not alone though, we are all here in the trenches sometimes and it’s totally okay. It’s hard it’s scary sometimes. There’s always those days. Not to over spiritualise but my daily prayer is always “Lord give me the grace for today” and I take it one hour at a time and it’s really helped x
  • You are the best mama to those sweet babes. I have a 3.5 year old and a 1 year old and it’s a never ending juggle (I also work from home full time with no babysitters to help). Sometimes those emotions of motherhood just need to be released and that’s ok! Another day comes and we move onto the next wild ride. You’ve got this! ❤️💪🏼
  • @Dolphinjasy
    The most difficult thing as a mom during the first year of my son’s life was that I always needed more time for myself. The most difficult thing now (he’s 15 months) is trying to be ok with him being attached to other adults outside the family who care for him, and also to not feel too guilty when I still want a breather in the middle of hanging out with him even if he’s not with me all the time anymore. It just proves that it’s hard. I told a friend that I thought I would be more annoyed with kids making loud sounds. Turns out the only difficult sounds are them whining and wanting something from you when you don’t have the energy to give it. If he is just happily banging on a drum I don’t really mind… the constant interruptions and how much they NEED attention is what makes it so hard for me. I find it’s easier when I can eliminate things off my list to do, so that I can be present with him. If I’m present he is not able to interrupt, basically. It’s easier for the daycare staff because it’s their job to play with the kids but as parents we also need to cook and care for the home and can’t just be present and play all the time. Struggle to find that balance but try not to judge myself 😌