I Really Dislike This Timeline


コメント (21)
  • @TheRyujinLP
    The hate Batman for the same reason the hate Kyle Rittenhouse. They want to harm you without repercussion and angry they can't do that yet.
  • @Mr_Robotts
    Joker, white male Penguin, white male Mr Freeze, white male Two-Face, white male Riddler, white male Kite Man, white male Catman, white male Bane, Hispanic (white) male Catwoman, white female Poison Ivy, white female, retroactively lesbianizec Harley Quinn, white female, retroactively lesbianized Hmm, white people, and mostly men. Yes, let's say he beats up on minorities 🙄. He defeats villains, but to the left, villains are heroes
  • Batman needs to leave those poor serial killers and sadistic murderers alone.
  • Batman almost never beat up a minority. Almost all of the criminals are ambiguously Italian.
  • @keithmichael112
    They're praising him because he's accused of being a predator, they can relate to him now
  • @RambleOn07
    Minorities? Gotham is based in a time when the Northern US was nearly entirely White.
  • Trying to please the masses is like trying to please hungry hyenas when you are the only meat at the table.
  • @MrLolguy93
    This disrespect towards Batman is just disgusting
  • @chrisw6164
    “Daredevil sees someone robbing another person.” No he doesn’t.
  • Hating on Batman for fighting the "mentally ill" is so ironic. Batman is the mentally ill, he is suffering from an extreme case of PTSD after watching his parents murdered in front of him at a young age which has caused delusions of being a vigilante. However, unlike the criminals he fights against, Batman doesnt use his mental illness as justification to commit heinous acts and still tries to make sure that everyday people can live their lives without fear that the Joker is going r*pe their daughter in front of them. Harley Quinn has done things comparable to Dahmer or Gacy, yet we act as if she is a victim and Batman is an abuser. Out of touch people. Thats all there is to say, Also, notice when these modern writers create a scene where the hero stops to analyze the situation and consider societal trends when a person is being mugged, the situation always turns out ok. Like the mugger always happens to be some decent guy who is trying to feed his family after he lost his job because his boss is a jerk and the person he is mugging happens to be some rich b*stard who was rude to him earlier. and nobody gets killed. Never in these modern comics when the hero stops to analyze the situation does the mugger stab and kill the person they are mugging, the mugger is never just some a**hole who wants money to buy drugs and and victim of the mugging is never some single mom coming home late from her second job. Stopping to "analyze" the situation always works out and nobody dies in a way that could have been prevented if the hero simply acted and stopped the mugging in process. While in the real world, when you stop to consider societal issues while a crime is being commited, someone gets hurt and the cops get blamed for not acting. Im sure the Uvalde police chief was thinking about societal issues and just being considerate of the shooter and his mental health instead of stopping him while he was murdering children.
  • @acrane3496
    It's like those ppl didn't actually watch Batman animated series. He was a damn HERO in that series. He constantly tried to save the villains from themselves.
  • @plumaDshinigami
    Evil Superman has become too repetitive, even for the smooth-brained. Now it's the age of Evil Batman. Gatekeeping works.
  • @louiscypher4186
    You gotta love how they hated Mr beast until his mate was found to be a pdf
  • @BrandonHeat243
    I agree Vee. People picking on Batman is really annoying. It says a lot about the left that they view the guy that goes around helping people he doesn't know to be the REAL villain and the criminals to be the REAL victims.
  • I am becoming less surprised when people see examples of clear goodness as evil. It comes from numbness, envy, and nihilism. I really do want people to be healed of those things—no human thrives when in their thrall.
  • These people are literally the liberal characters out of Frank Miller's 'The Dark Knight Returns.' I'd say you can't make this up, but Frank Miller already did.
  • @Ashkihyena
    Last time I recall Batman didn’t harbor known predators like Kris Also, funny how now they’re standing by Mr. Beast when originally they were shitting on him for doing this…
  • @flarestorm9417
    I forget which film, but there's a movie where Joker makes an appearance on a talk show, and fills the room with gas that kills everyone there aside from Joker himself. I never saw the full film, but I thought there was no way anyone would ever knowingly agree to attend a show with Joker as a guest. These memes and modern takes have made me think otherwise...