Peter Steals a New Power | Heroes

Published 2021-09-23
A negotiation between Tracy and Nathan goes south - but will Peter's newly acquired power help him to escape?

From Heroes Season 3 Episode 15, “Trust and Blood”: Following a chain of unexpected events, the Heroes are on the run from their latest adversary and one of their own Nathan Petrelli. After Matt paints a series of prophetic images, the tragic fate of someone close to him is revealed.

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Heroes follows the lives of chosen people who have un-imaginable powers, and the people who want to find them.

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All Comments (16)
  • @maxcardun
    Peter doesn't "Steal" the power he copies it. He's not his father Arthur.
  • @darksteal568
    I kinda hoped that with peters new ability he would be able to replicate more than 1 like he used to. I think that if Peter still didn't have any powers now he would end up traveling with Hiro and Ando to Parkman's wife and son where Hiro and Peter get their powers reawakened. Peter gets his original ability back slowly throughout the volume as like with Hiro's case. That would have been a nice way to readjust the story.
  • @whiterose4887
    If I was peter i absorb hiro ability and go back before my power are stolen from my crazy dad
  • Nathan is so use to covering everything up One day he will be exposed
  • @Schelbig
    3rd season peter can only replicate and use other people’s powers one at a time when he replicates a new power he loses the previous one
  • @jordanyoung1836
    Oh, I remember this, Peter used his newly acquired ability, power replication in order to copy his brother's power of flight 2:18...I saw it, he touched his brother and there was a flash of light and next thing you know, he flew off
  • @azyordanm
    Why peter not back in time for absorb his old power
  • @xl6941
    I am Peter peter petrelli in the real world. I don’t have powers because all of you don’t have abilities I can mimic 😢😢😢😢
  • Can someone tell which season that is? I can't remember that scene so if someone knows it would be cool if you could reply.
  • @Nameless526
    I always wondered what Noah's ability would be if he injected himself with the formula, he's one of my favourite characters
  • @tawilliamson83
    Wait, did Peter ever take her powers? I don't recall that happening?
  • @ManlykefreshINC
    This second version of his power was such a debunked version of his orginal. empathic mimicry was so much better than his current copy mimicry. Imagine just walking along and just copying a power just by being close to them and being an emotionally charged person who could hold multiple abilities at once to then lose it all to your power stealing dad and then synthetically gain the downgraded Copy version where you now have to physically touch the person to gain and copy their power and then to top it off only have the ability to hold onto one power at a time. The writers fucked him up hard. Though I did hear theories over the years that the power Peter got back it actually his orginal power of Empathic Mimicry, but because of all the lies and betrayals he has experienced over the years, his heart became emotionally blocked hence why he has this watered down version of the original😩🤣🙆🏾‍♂️