Published 2019-05-17
In this video I talk about how I cured my depression and PTSD with magic mushrooms, I talk about why I chose to do it and what my experience with it was.

All Comments (21)
  • I had a hard time in my early 30s. It was a much different type of depression than a "teenager " depression. Took years to fade back to normal. A total change of life. I think one correlation in the uprise of depression is the uprising of phones and more tech. I could go on but that would be a Hella start for most people. Don't disconnect, connect.
  • @some11223344
    Thank you for this video , i bet you helped a lot of people , including me. πŸ™πŸΌ
  • @hongzhu7617
    Man, you look like George Clooney, plus Tom Cruise, Plus Denzel Washington, divided by 3, then, minus 40 years of age: in one word, attractive. You are also very honest and nice. You deserve the best.
  • @karync.6707
    Achieving true self love!!! How huge is that??? Congratulations for your awakening and for having the BALLS to share your experience with us youtubers. There's a comment a ways down about someone achieving the same through meditation, well, I meditated for years at the feet of masters, at one point I was doing thousands of mantra affirmations all day every day (till tears streamed down my face). It felt wonderful for differing time periods, but it really was a shit ton of WORK, then when a new obstacle arose, i'd be back to self hatred and dysfunctional behavioral patters. When you've been traumatized, even a little work, as the video say,s like getting out of bed, seems gargantuan. I want to try this. I wonder if there is a youtube clip explaining how to trip for healing (playlist, how to stage the setting, whether or not to use blindfold, mirror, etc. For sure i want to have a paper and pen nearby so i don't forget anything, lol. Thanks Dude : )
  • That's some deep trauma, so glad you were heal it! I need to do this!
  • I had alligator tears feeling the torment you were experiencing, my wounded little girl, my lost sense of self and search for actualization all resonated with you....I'm so glad the veil was lifted and you know you are...a powerful creator and eternal soul as our limited perceptions in this reality and dimension. Everything is meant for expansion of our consciousness....I send you gratitude and love for having the courage to write that book, record this video and help others that feel so much pain that death seems like the only peace. Although I suspect death is only another door that may lead back to the souls lessons that we try to avoid, who knows lol. We don't have to be perfect brother, only authentic. Stay empowered for you are MORE than we can conceive of in these meat suits! XO
  • @cindyreeves7368
    I did shrooms a year ago and yes it is quite the story. I felt like I knew everything my friends were going to say before they said it. And I'm like quit talking I already know. I was just reading about micro dosing psychedelics
  • @nickjamesb2051
    This was a really cool story to listen to, and i think it influenced my journey also... very interesting experience. I am glad you are doing better now, there is no hell quite like the hell of depression.
  • @bernardo0601ify
    Ok, so I finally watched the whole video. The reason why I said finally a new video was because I've been watching video testimonials of mushrooms curing depression and it's only so many on YouTube. I see these videos as hope. Like you, I have absolutely NO reason to be anxious or depressed. Tbh I really dont know if it's even that, I dont know what to call it anymore but whatever it is, it doesnt feel right or normal. It is rather mild and I'm fully functional but something is going on in my head that wasnt there before. I finally was able to get some mushrooms and I know what kind they are (,golden teacher) and I plan on taking them to hopefully dig deep and experience the same outcome as you did. I have no intentions on getting high or trip just to trip but to heal. I'm so happy you are well again. I hope it stays with you forever
  • @AutismMommy
    Thank you for sharing your life with us. ❀️
  • @ALzkaban
    I have had a few awesome healing experiences on mushrooms, but nothing that intense! This definitely makes me want to do a much larger dose!
  • @krislong5736
    I don't know about mushrooms, but have had similar experiences with meditation! Not recently, but a while back...the same self love overwhelmed me and helped me through whatever I was going through at the time. It was amazing. You'd think I'd be in to meditation more...working on being more consistent. Anyway, I digress. Thanks for sharing your experience...very interesting to listen to.
  • @CoryBaldwin85
    have you read "conversations with god" choosing your trauma is a big part of that book. I've also thought of using mushrooms for past traumas and depression. very cool brother. thank you.
  • @TrancerB7
    Majestic story man! Never done shrooms but I did have some interesting and somewhat scary experiences with Salvia and I can relate to a few things you said. Our chakras can be disaligned over time. There are a few things that haved helped me other than psychedelics which include grounding meditation exercises and binaural beat meditation. These take discipline but does help overcome acute negative experiences. As far as long term traumas, not so sure. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  • @NarkissosMeness
    Incredible story bro! I hope you're doing well so much love and good vibes to you. πŸ”₯
  • @shaggyalonso
    Mate, you need to do a follow up video or at least a follow up comment to this, now that it's over a year since your trip. This is the life changing experience that literally tens of millions of people across the world are seeking whether they know it or not. Half of the depression is the feeling that it is incurable and that there is no way out, no way of feeling different about yourself after having tried all the conventional methods, so most just manage their awful symptoms whichever way they can, absolutely every day being a struggle. Please share with us your perspectives now you've had a bit of time since the trip, it's extremely hopeful for us seeing someone heal their insecurities and emotional wounds and genuinely thriving from it. You said you're writing a book, is this out yet? Really hope you'll respond to this, thank you for your upload, it's something I hold dear as a glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel and that that could possibly be me one day.
  • @suredeydo
    That was lit. I wouldn't even know where to find this, but I would love to.