《紅樓夢組曲(八)葬花吟》墨爾本肇風中樂團 Chao Feng C. O. - 《Dream of the Red Chamber Suite 8 - Burial of Flowers》

Published 2023-10-05
《紅樓夢組曲(八)葬花吟》 指揮: 陳一平

《葬花吟》是小說《紅樓夢》中最傷情的一節。林黛玉將萬般的感傷巧妙地寓意在“葬花吟” 心思裡,這種詩情畫意式的表達方法,讓人們在嘆息落花消殘的同時,強烈地感染人生失落短暫之傷惻。

《Dream of the Red Chamber Suite 8 - Burial of Flowers》
Conductor: Yat Ping Chan
Composed by Li Ping Wang

“Burial of Flowers” is the most poignant section in the novel Dream of the Red Chamber. Dai Yu Lin ingeniously expresses her profound sorrow through the poetic and picturesque “Burial of Flowers”. This artistic expression method is intended to be deeply moving, simultaneously evoking a strong sense of loss and the ephemeral nature of life.

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 肇風中樂團 thank the following volunteers for their time and effort!
Audio recording: Tom Harman, Oliver Fleming,
Tim Rangi, Lachlan Kenny,
William Lawson, Jan Wong
Sound Mix: Numpark Sribanditmongkol
Video recording: Peter Guan, Lisa Guan
Video editing: Xiao Jin Ling
Recording Equipment: RMIT and CFCO


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