JD Vance tries to defend ‘childless cat ladies’ remark amid backlash

Published 2024-07-26
Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) says his comments made in 2021 about “childless cat ladies” was directed at the Democratic Party for becoming “anti-family” — not at those who don’t or can’t have children. CNN’s Senior Political Commentator Ana Navarro joins Erin Burnett to weigh in. #CNN #news

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All Comments (21)
  • @pm00671
    JD Vance didn't mention Tim Scott or Lindsey Graham, they don't have any kids. It's all about the Democrats.
  • @amymalski
    "I dont have anything against cats." That makes it so much better, thanks for clearing that up.
  • @Myeonnigot7
    Cant even afford a house or livable wage to raise kids, and not everyone is confident of raising kids with all these childhood traumas and abuse!
  • @danae1326
    It's none of the government's business whether anyone has children or not. Why is this even being discussed by any politician?
  • @lindadorman2869
    Someone needs to inform JD Vance that people without children ALREADY PAY MORE TAXES. We get no child tax credits, no subsidies for child care, no housing or food assistance (WIC), and no tax deductions. In addition, 65% of our property taxes go directly to the local public school district so we are paying to educate our neighbors' children even though we have none. That gives me the right to have a say in how children in my neighborhood are educated. Unless you want to refund my money...
  • @danielbrown9368
    The last person I want to see raising a kid is a person who does not want to raise a kid.
  • @FlyLikeDove
    This man needs to go to therapy and get over his anger at his own mother before he starts telling other women about their lives.
  • @notpub
    I had a terrible life changing trauma of a miscarriage. Do I get credit for trying or am I still "worthless," JD?
  • @AutumnSwatches
    Tiffany Trump is around the age now that AOC was when Vance made those remarks and Tiffany Trump doesn’t have any kids.
  • @joerogain5025
    ''Childless cat lady woman'' is kinda ironic considering J.D.Vance's mother was unfit to raise him, and he needed to be raised by his grandmother.
  • @iki2563
    “ANTI CHILD”? WTF???!!!!
  • Because being childless means you have no family. Im childless. I have a sister with a niece on the way. I love my sister. I have my parents who I visit all the time. I'm surrounded by family that are important to me. I'm also a daycare worker. My job is taking care of children and making sure their families know their children are safe and happy while in my care. You don't need to have children of your own to value families.
  • @noname-nu6oo
    I surely as hell don't want children and never wanted ever since i was a little kid. I haven't changed because it's not for me. Other people can go right on ahead with that. Accept other people's way of life if you want us to accept your ways of life. Respect people.
  • @martygould5114
    For the record, I'm a childless man who lives with a cat. I'm not miserable and I have no regrets about the choices that I've made.
  • I didn't have children because I wasn't in a place where I could financially provide for them without government assistance. Now I'm at an age that could bring complications to a pregnancy. So because I chose to not selfishly have children I couldn't financially provide for, I don't value family?
  • @gwynk78
    I was a childless elementary school teacher for 15 years. I caught plenty of flack for being “lesser” as a result. However, my mom once explained it to me like this: Childless teachers offer something that parenting teachers cannot. They can show children how it feels to be loved as total equals among a group of 25 peers. We don’t get this at home. Teachers who are parents can’t offer this. Childless adults make large contributions to raising our children and do so across all industries. It takes the whole village. P.S. At 46, I’m plenty happy with my choices and my breeder friends cannot help but feel jealous of my independence and the talents I’ve been able to nurture.
  • @popbre3
    Two out of my three adult children, 30 and under, do not want to have children. They see how my one child that has 2 children 5 and 4, struggles with money trying to raise them in this country, not being able to afford child care and yet unable to afford decent housing and food on a 1 income household.
  • @user-fv9fm4fg5t
    Excuse me! Jesus had no children. Having children or not is none of your business JD.