Is the Gulf Stream collapsing?

Published 2020-04-19
The Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation exert a huge influence on heat and energy distribution around our planet. Research shows that our warming atmosphere is affecting this vital system so profoundly that it's at risk of shutting down altogether with very severe consequences for our civilisation. So what's going on?

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Research Links…………………

   • Stronger evidence for a weaker Atlant...

#gulfstream  #amoc  #climatecrisis

All Comments (21)
  • @manofcultura
    Fun fact. The reason subs love operating around Greenland and Iceland is because of the Gulf Stream. It literally creates a background noise that you can hide in not to mention thermal variations distort sounds.
  • @Sekir80
    Hey Dave! Could you please do a follow up in the coming months?
  • @nycpaull
    I so appreciate and commend the quality of your graphic support of subject matter. The value of having an audience say, "I see what you mean." through the design and use of exceptional, complementary graphics can't be overlooked when well deserved praise is given to this channel. Working in video I know animation costs both to create and use so thank you for going the extra mile and dollar to show us when possible.
  • @Oenloveslife
    I've watched now several of your video presentations, and I can say without reservation or hesitation that they are among the most insightful and informative videos I know of, and I am very grateful to have discovered you!
  • @johnfowler4820
    Great channel. I lived until recently on the west coast of Ireland. Between 2001 and the present day (2020) I noticed a significant shift in the prevailing winds from South Westerly to North Westerly. This change is I feel consistent and as such worthy of research.
  • @matthiasf.1869
    For a medium sized channel like yours, your production quality is insane - love your content. Keep up the good work 🙂 Greetings from Germany
  • @dianac2498
    It would be great to see this updated given the most recent news of the confirmed destabilization of the Atlantic, which could lead to a collapse.
  • @ClissaT
    Very well presented and a good argument. Now that over a year has gone by it would be good to see a catchup for comparison. Near the end you mention the fact we need to reforest large swathes and stop the clearing of forested areas. All very good advice. But here's the rub. I'm in Australia and some would say we have a greater footprint per capita than many countries which may well be true. Those educated among us will say they are all doing their bit to undo the damage done by the farmers of this country who cleared the land for food crops, grazing, etc as has happened in every country of the world. But in my little street (dirt road because it is a rural area) the blocks were owned by rural people who had a few cows or horses or did nothing except watch the birds in the trees. Then those people got old and sold their blocks to city people with a heap of money who wanted a tree change. But as soon as they got out here they didn't want the trees anymore because they blocked their view or a tree might fall down or a fire might come through. So they cleared all the trees which left the land denuded, full of weeds and the wildlife had nowhere to live anymore. I have watched each block get cleared over the last 5yrs until mine is the only bush block left along this road servicing around 3000acres of what used to be natural bush that never burnt and which was full of wildlife and rare flowers. Same story basically everywhere. These are the same people who whinge about climate change, demand every country pull its weight, insist on recycling even when it just goes to landfill anyway, buy every conceivable piece of Chinese made plastic junk, drive their kids all over the place in their new 4x4 and stick their heads in the sand saying they aren't the ones causing global warming. Then they get together and demand I deal with the fire hazards on my property (the trees and bushes) and tidy up my land in keeping with the rest of the street! But I'm not the one causing the problems! They are! They are the ones causing global warming, not me. I don't buy all that junk, I recycle within my property, grow organic food to sell, don't fiddle with the environment, don't drive all over the country whizzing kids left right and centre. So just because a person is apparently gentrified and educated, doesn't mean they don't also think the sun doesn't shine out their backside. I am educated in climate sciences. I mind my own business and get on with life and I do treat the earth respectfully and my footprint is very small, something those new city people should "Just Have A Think About" !!
  • @lapisredux
    i live in cornwall england and can report that the gulf stream kept us toasty this winter.
  • My beach on my town on north Puerto Rico is gone the water has grown so much 😩.
  • @mayoite160
    ok I just stumbled across this channel and I'm really glad that I did - even though most of your prognoses don't exactly instil confidence
  • Just found your channel. A good quality video, well presented and informative. Thanks. I hope those up to now, not having a think, start to do so about this most pressing of issues.
  • @tzimiable
    Very good presentation. Clear and detailed. Love it.
  • @karylhogan5758
    I read in Irish times newspaper, over 2 years ago now, that cork university students were measuring the Gulf Stream flow around Ireland, it has slowed 10% since records began in this is interesting .
  • @andrewfoster382
    That is so much in line with what I have seen and heard over the past twenty years, I fear it is coming true
  • @epippins
    Don't worry, the Earth will heal itself after we wipe ourselves out with stupidity.
  • @ramblerandy2397
    I can still remember people asking me how accurate the movie was back in 2004. I had to tread the fine line between its wild inaccuracies to its surprisingly well depicted accuracies in my quick explanation. Basically, the film had to hugely condense in time many triggers that could well occur. It did depict enormous heat energy being introduced into the climate system which triggered vast storms. And it did depict the ocean circularly systems being shut down. You certainly got a lot of HICC effects in 2 hours. 😀 BTW, excellent graphical animations and video, Dave.
  • @Trevorfoggia
    Fantastic video. I found this channel by pure chance and have subscribed immediately. Greetings from Cumbria in the U.K. stay safe and well.
  • @Rhodri101283
    Very happy to have found this channel. Your ability to make incredibly complex ideas easily understandable is very refreshing. Thank you!