Published 2023-03-08
The difference between toxic positivity and being an eternal optimist...

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Simon is an unshakable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together.

Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon has devoted his professional life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.

Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and The Infinite Game.

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Live Online Classes:

Simon’s books:
The Infinite Game:
Start With Why:
Find Your Why:
Leaders Eat Last:
Together is Better:

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All Comments (21)
  • I was taught as a teacher that we were never supposed to “complain” about things in the classroom. When I questioned that tack, I was admonished. Now I recognize that a system that doesn’t allow me to acknowledge what isn’t working is toxic. I’ve learned a lot about honoring my own boundaries from your videos. Thank you.
  • @bloohibou
    More than misrepresenting reality, toxic positivity goes farther: it suppresses and excludes voices of realism, healthy skepticism, and counter factual (I.e.: risk assessment) thinking. Sometimes it outright punishes and gaslights diverse perspectives. The result is cynicism, disengagement, and the flight of talent.
  • @erock5b
    I consider myself a hopeful realist.
  • Glad optimism and realism can coexist. I felt like I was always told I was a pessimist because of my realism but I felt like that didn’t quite fit me.
  • @JHF1878
    I say this all the time without knowing it had a name. Toxic positivity - this is brilliant. Thank you
  • @CoachGrimes
    Your team will respect you for being real. Great opportunity to build trust.
  • @Fox1nDen
    These are the hardest years of my life. I chose this. The future is worth it. Blessings now are worth it
  • Right, part of my healing was admitting to God that I wasn’t okay. (I’m religious) and that was really hard asking God for help. But he’s coming through for me.
  • @OptiRaz
    I needed to hear this while the whole company is going through challenging times at work while no one seems to agree that it is challenging times
  • Holding space for others and self and having hope, faith, and seeing the light no matter how far away it is…I am also an eternal optimist
  • Alan Watts tells me reality is ommmmmm... Biting the apple from the tree of knowledge has been very toxic. Knowledge is the new currency but without action it remains an illusion or hallucinations. Application turns knowledge into wisdom. Now if I can figure out how to apply my experience strength and hope to help is my hurdle