Performing "Punji Stick Whittling Girl" at Miss World 2021: Talent contest or political propaganda??

#PleaseSaveVN #SOSHCMC #SOSVietnam In Miss World 2021, Vietnamese contestant Do Thi Ha performed a song in the talent contest. What's getting the world's attention right now isn't her pre-rehearsed masterful performance, but the song she chose to perform. She did not sing, but performed on the T'Rung - a percussion instrument of the Central Highlands ethnic group in Vietnam. And the song she chose was "Punji stick Whittling Girl".

It's one of the typical songs that Vietnamese communists often used during the war against America of the 20th century. And this song has extremely bloodthirsty lyrics, reeks of killing and full of hatred for Americans! Why did she choose this song? She only plays instruments, doesn't sing. So the whole world, especially the judges of Miss World 2021, only hears the melody, but doesn't realize how terrible this song is. Here are the lyrics of this song. The whole world should read and feel the brutality, barbarism and cruelty of the Vietnamese communist government towards the Americans:

"Like many girls in the mountains, the three-headed river girl has a slim bun,
Hands whittle Punji Stick, mouth singing non-stop!
Like many girls in the mountains, like many girls in the Central Highlands,
Who is quick to whittle than my hand?
Birds singing is not as good as my singing!
Each Punji Stick spike is sharp and full of hatred!
Skewer any bandits corpse come here!

There is still American "tiger, leopard" enemy. When there is still American "tiger, leopard" enemy!
I have not stopped whittling Punji Stick to fence the fields!
But tomorrow the enemy will run away,
Bamboo forest we build houses, high huts!
Hey, my feet have not stopped yet, the sky is not blue yet!
I still whittle Punji Stick a lot, making traps!
Hey evil invaders, you want to come in, Punji Stick is ready!
Wait for all of you, destroy all of you!"

Any Vietnamese girl who goes to any contest in the world will have to be under the control and direction of Vietnam's communist government in anything. Therefore, Do Thi Ha performance of this song is not her intention but that is Vietnamese communist government's order. She is the product of a socialist indoctrination in Vietnam, so she only knows how to do what the government tells her to do. She is completely naive about politics! That's why she accepted to perform it. This kind of music is called "Red Music", aka communist music!

This is essentially the propaganda of Vietnamese communist culture to the whole world! A political purpose! Insidious and subtle! Graduated from the National Economics University but she knows absolutely nothing about politics! And she is just a pawn being taken advantage of by Vietnam's communist government. If she's as brave as Miss Myanmar Han Lay - who dared to shoot a video crying for help for Myanmar people, she would have had to protest against this covert propaganda.

The Vietnamese government does not take care of the people, does not give relief money and vaccine aided by the US to the Vietnamese people. Now they are suffering because of directives 16 and 16+ of the communist government, especially in HCMC.

All videos on my channel are selected, approved and allowed to be shared by N10Tv - a media channel for Vietnamese people. And my channel is completely written in English, so that the whole world can understand and approach the situation in Vietnam. Any reports about my channel are personal attacks and are deliberate attempts to block my appeal to help the people of Vietnam.

Please share this video and this incident to save the people of Vietnam. They are starving and miserable.


For more information about Vietnam's situation, visit my Twitter:
Kristina Nguyen (@KristAmagora)

コメント (9)
  • Miss world Vietnam should be eliminated immediately during her talent performance she play a song and the meaning of the song carried anger, hatred, revenge, retaliate the American. all about hatred towards American.
  • The music that Miss VN played came from the song that has the following words, “… American is the enemy.. young girls in the village sharpen their spears waiting for the Americans to come.. then use the spears to pierce through their bodies to destroy them..” I don’t know why a such horrific, violent song was allowed to play in this event..
  • Thank you for your message and letting us know about the covert propaganda.
  • Inappropriate song against the Americans lol full of hate and revenge
  • She played no better than 7 yrs old kids just learned how to play the instrument.
  • @lanie5893
  • @vton3106
    I don't like this song. Also, she played like a young kid.