Teenager Stuck In A Time Loop Uses It To Pick Up Girls

Mark is stuck in a time loop, memorizing everything that happens around him and manipulating things in small ways to amuse himself. Everything changes when he meets Margaret, another teenager who’s stuck in time. The two attempt to figure out what’s causing the temporal anomaly, all the while discovering perfect coincidences around their town and developing a connection between each other.

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コメント (21)
  • Dude was stuck in a time looped friend zone. Lol
  • Twist: The dog was also stuck in the time loop, and remembers everything.
  • The amount of knowledge you can accumulate in that time frame is insane. Only Problem is you will also go Insane.
  • @Kartlos1
    I swear the time loop concept never gets old. Get it? I hate myself.
  • The title of the video is misleading. He doesn't use the time loop to pick up girls. He simply meets one girl who's also stuck in loop. He falls in love with her and supports her emotionally while fixing his own problems at the same time.
  • @vuk5475
    Would be interesting if they asked their close friends or family members something only they would know from past and him proving to them next time that he in fact is stuck in loop, what their reaction would be
  • This is one of the less confusing time travel movies that’s out there - that’s a good thing:)
  • if i have this time loop ability i would learn everything i want and start and end the time loop whenever i want.people who procrastinate and lazy this thing is a blessing.
  • So this movie means to tell us the sole pursuit of a woman with infinite time is learning how to drive. This is hilarious.
  • Clovers are supposed to have three leaves. It's the four-leaf clovers which are abnormal.
  • 5:12 She found a 3 leaf clover?!? I bet she had to search through millions of 4 leaf clovers to find that bad boy 😂
  • This is Groundhog Day... but going into Serious Mode and unfolding like a moral-driven story. That's not a dig. Two time-loopers? NICE! Going into a love story that had both aware of the time loop and living it, AWESOME! They both escaped the time loop together, as a couple, with lots of the loot (metaphorically speaking, the experience of living through that loop).
  • 3:22 she tells him not to set his goals too high, but she' s the one who wants to be an aerospace engineer. Hmmm...
  • damn... i love this time loop movies, groundhog day, edge of tomorrow, and now this one :)
  • Already watched it, the recap is way better than the actual one which was boring!
  • Can we talk about how this kid looks like a young Heath Ledger?
  • Irony being it's not nearly as bad as people chalk it up to be. It all depends on your location at the beginning and the end of the loop. If you're located in a half decent spot it gives you a infinite amount of options. You'd be surprised how many things I could do personally where it gives me a number of options of places to go as one example. They always just seem to stay in the same little town in this storyline instead of going around to other places within the parameters of the loop. Man the amount of places I could drive to in that time frame options for vehicles as another example LOL. Things I could do without consequence. Possibilities are Limitless.