Blind vs Deaf - How Do We Communicate?

Tommy Edison, who been blind since birth, teams up with deaf YouTuber ‪@rikkipoynter‬ to answer to the popular question, “How does a blind person and a deaf person communicate with each other?”

Watch Tommy on Rikki’s channel where they discuss how people mistaken their disabilities for other disabilities:    • When People Mix Up Being Deaf And Bli...  

Thanks to ‪@AndreaLausell‬ for being our interpreter.
Subscribe to Andrea’s channel:

Special thanks to ‪@AbbySams‬ for helping out with the shoot.
Subscribe to Abby’s channel:


Music Credits:

“Soundtrack of Sorrow” by Great Scott…

“Sunday Morning” by Nicolai Heidlas
Music by HookSounds -…

“These Moments” by Nicolai Heidlas
Music by HookSounds -…

“Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas
Music by HookSounds -…

Used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 & 3.0 Unported licenses.

#blind #deaf #accessibility

コメント (20)
  • There was a blind student in one of my classes and the teacher would always talk to him very loudly, until one day he said, "I'm not deaf, I can actually hear much better than you can."
  • @spec7501
    Tommy: 🙈 Rickie: 🙉 The person filming: 🙊
  • @R3D_M4N
    Him: I'll be your ears. Her: I'll be your eyes.
  • Pro tip... If someone is cussing you out in sign language... Turn the lights off.
  • I never knew about tactile sign language, it's quite a gentle thing to watch
  • @chris9242
    After watching this video, I feel so grateful that I can see and hear. Edit: why are people calling me rude? this video made me realize that i take basic human functions for granted and i’m honestly suprised i don’t see more of these comments on videos. i mean seriously. both a deaf person and a blind person in the same video and you don’t even think once to yourself: “Man.. i’m so blessed that i can see and hear” ? edit number 2 since i forgot we’re in 2020 and people get hurt over everything: literally all i was saying is I, Christopher am grateful that i can both see and hear
  • @mattb55
    "Two disabilities for the price of one" 😂😂 it's not funny but I'm laughing
  • @ImRhys
    Tommy is so ace to watch. Blind man making the most of life!
  • One method is through an interpreter "Tommy, how do you drive?" "I dont because im fucken blind" "Cool"
  • My sister in law and I do it. She is blind I'm deaf. I read her lips and I can speak so I can describe and talk back. She was born blind, I went deaf. It's even funnier with our kids. Her son will tell me something In the car but he sits behind me. Blind sister rides up front passenger I'm middle kids in back. So she will turn around to face the general direction I'm in and repeat what was said. Then I can reply. Her son will start talking about trucks or some things just out of the blue like kids do. So I describe what he is doing what we are seeing. It's funny to watch us.
  • Dear people in the comments, there are different levels of both deafness and blindness.
  • Every person who finds out I'm deaf "YOUR NOT DEAF YOU CAN TALK!" like Bach wtf
  • Me: Reading lips is easy Me: turns the volume down all the way Also me: nvm
  • Im sure that the 1 % dislikes are other blind persons trying to like the video XD
  • Now I wanna see a romance movie of a deaf person and a blind person.
  • Tommy. I am using voice over while I am typing this comment. I am blind too.
  • Tommy made me see a whole new perspective about disability. Because of him I learned that a disability isnt something that makes you less than the other. Well technically or physically yes I guess but having a disability is not becoming a less version of you but instead gain more than what you could've. Our human body learns to adapt and disabilities opens new path ways and perspective to cope up with what is missing from us therefore making you technically "gain something than lose something". They see the world in a different way, they live the world in a different way but I dont think that makes them less than the other For all those people with disability, stay strong and be proud. For those who are blind, deaf, mentally challenged and all with other disabilities... YOU ALL DESERVES TO GET THE BEST OUT OF THE WORLD AND LIFE!