Things Only Adults Notice In Ferris Bueller's Day Off

When a first lady of the United States quotes a movie, you know the film has left a mark on culture. Barbara Bush quoted lines from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in her commencement address at Wellesley College in 1990.

Homages to the iconic movie are still being paid today. Movies like Easy A and commercials for Honda and Domino’s Pizza are still referencing moments and lines from the picture.

There is no doubt that Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of the ultimate teen slacker movies of all time, but here are things only adults notice when watching it now.

#FerrisBueller #Adults #Movies

Unbelievable toys | 0:00
Wacky wardrobe | 1:16
Time travel | 1:39
Identity crisis | 2:19
Mysterious gifts | 2:51
The late bus | 3:31

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コメント (21)
  • @Looper
    What other references should've made this list?
  • ........Ferris has parents in corporate Chicago/real estate. I think it's evident they're doing fine.
  • The entire movie is one, giant exercise in suspension of disbelief. Come on. We're fact checking Ferris Beuller's Day Off?
  • I was an adult when it came out and I recognized it for what it was: a high school student's fantasy. Therefore, there was really nothing to criticize.
  • "His parents aren't quite that well off." Hmm, having lived in the Chicago suburbs, I recognized from several scenes that the Bueller's would've have lived in a "upscale neighborhood". With John Hughes making other movies like The Breakfast Club and Home Alone filmed and set in the same area, they would have been rich af.
  • Ok, there’s a line which most people miss that makes Ferris an infinitely better character. After they destroy the car and Cameron says that he will take a stand Salone tells Ferris “you knew what you were doing the moment you got up” that means that Ferris took the day off just to get Cameron out of his depression and to try to get him to stand up for himself
  • "that would make him the envy of any 80ies teen." THAT WAS THE POINT. He WAS the envy of every 80ies teen, in the actual movie or watching the movie.
  • The most important thing most people miss. Rooney severely injured the dog.
  • Rename the video "things only people hell bent on not having fun notice in Ferris Bueller's Day Off". If you're asking why Ferris has an 8 grand synth in his bedroom then the movie isnt for you.
  • "I heard that you were feeling ill. Headaches, fever, and a chill. I came here to restore your pluck. Cause I'm the nurse that likes to"
  • When Cameron was in Egypt’s land—- Let my Cameron goooooo
  • Remember the 80's when we were constantly bombarded by good, original, and creative movies? Those days are long gone.
  • What I have noticed is the insane amount of things they were able to experience in the space of one school day. The ball game, the art gallery, the stock exchange, the restaurant, the parade, the swimming pool, and all the driving in between. Ferris is so awesome that he can even defy time.
  • Excuse me but if Ferris has an " 8k Synth" and lives in a house THAT big, then his parents are VERY "well off!"
  • Even more strange is how Jeannie didn’t even recognize her own principal when he was in her house.
  • Even as a kid I noticed that Ferris had unbelievably expensive electronics in his room. I had to conclude that his parents are, in fact, rich.
  • Some of this pretty easily explained 1) The keyboard. It seems to stand that his parents are well off. His dad is eating at a very exclusive, members only club which would indicate they have money. And clearly Ferris is capable of talking anyone into anything. 2) We have no idea how far or close Cameron lives from the school. For all we know the school is just around the corner. 3) We are never told they are in a "super serious" relationship. Or have even been dating long. Ferris is impulsive which would be why he asked her to marry him. 4) depending on where you live some busses take A LONG time to get home. There are also After school busses that take kids home that stay for extracurricular activities such as clubs and sports.