A woman kowtow to each car so that the ambulance can go first on expressway because of traffic jam!

Published 2022-02-04
#PleaseSaveVN #SOSHCMC #SOSVietnam On social networks in Vietnam, a video of a woman kowtowing to each car, to make way for two ambulances to pass, on Trung Luong - My Thuan Expressway. Her face was filled with panic, showing her helplessness and despair at the traffic jam for several hours! Because she was afraid that she could not save her loved ones in time! Traffic jam on the expressway! It's an unthinkable story in the West, but it's bound to happen in Vietnam! This Trung Luong - My Thuan expressway has just been inaugurated for ten days.

She sat in the ambulance, unable to stand the traffic jam for so long, she got out of the ambulance and walked between the two traffic jams. She went to the side of each car and clasped her hands, kowtowing to each driver sitting inside! Along with urgent pleas, begging them to make way for the two ambulances carrying her loved ones to pass. There was one person present at the scene who witnessed the incident, recorded a video and posted it on social media. Then inquire about her situation. After a while of begging and paving the way, two rows of cars finally huddled close to both sides, revealing a gap in the middle of the road, just enough for two ambulances to pass.

In Western countries, highways, freeways and expressways are built on three factors:
1. The road has no intersection point.
2. Allowed speed must be higher than other common roads.
3. There is an emergency stop lane. This is the most important factor!

Vietnamese communist officials all graduated from Dong Do University sold fake degrees, so they drew up this socialist - oriented expressway! It doesn't meet any of the criteria of the expressway! Trung Luong - My Thuan Expressway has 4 lanes, maximum speed is 80km/h and minimum speed is 60km/h. It has a series of intersections and absolutely no emergency stop lanes for the entire route over 51km!

In the near future, this expressway will have toll collection BOT stations. With the lowest price is 108,000 VND and the highest is 432,000 VND for 1 pass! Vietnamese people will have to vomit hundreds of billions of VND in blood and bone for the corrupt officials of the communist government to put in their own pockets and enrich themselves!

Looking at this woman begging, we couldn't help but choke and rage. Through this terrible and sad incident, the whole world can see one thing: Vietnam's communist government is a bunch of useless, incompetent, cruel, vile and heartless people! They lack knowledge but have a lot of ambition! They only know how to torture and rob money from Vietnamese people and plunder the wealth and property of the country! Then run to America, Canada, Australia, Singapore, ect. buy luxury villas! In their eyes there was never a country or a people! For Vietnamese communist officials: money is ideal, American citizenship is truth! They never go to reality to know how the people live and die!

This is clearly a dark tragedy for Vietnam! When the people have to bend over to work as hired laborers around the world to earn every dollar to feed a bunch of officials without morality! Build a decent expressway for people to go, they can't even do it, how can they dream of paradise? What a useless government!

The Vietnamese government does not take care of the people, does not give relief money and vaccine aided by the US to the Vietnamese people. Now they are suffering because of directives 16 and 16+ of the communist government, especially in HCMC.

All videos on my channel are selected, approved and allowed to be shared by N10Tv - a media channel for Vietnamese people. And my channel is completely written in English, so that the whole world can understand and approach the situation in Vietnam. Any reports about my channel are personal attacks and are deliberate attempts to block my appeal to help the people of Vietnam.

Please share this video and this incident to save the people of Vietnam. They are starving and miserable.


For more information about Vietnam's situation, visit my Twitter:
Kristina Nguyen (@KristAmagora)

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