Will Rome's northern frontier fall? - Battle of Watling Street, 60 AD

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🚩 In Britain, at the northernmost edge of the empire, Rome’s strategy for command and control failed horribly. For the first time in memory, the Roman army is in retreat and the power of Rome is questioned. The Iceni army led by Boudica has cornered the outnumbered Romans at Mancetter. The Roman general Gaius Suetonius Paulinus steels his men for the battle ahead: “Ignore the racket made by these savages. There are more women than men in their ranks. We have beaten them before and when they see our weapons and feel our spirit, they will crack. Stick together. Throw the javelins, then push forward! Knock them down with your shields and finish them off with your swords. Forget about plunder. Just win and you will have everything!”

📢 Narrated by David McCallion

🎼 Music:
Epidemic Sound

📚 Sources:
Boudicca’s Rebellion AD 60–61: The Britons rise up against Rome (2011), Nic Fields, Osprey Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978 1 849083133.
The Annuls of Imperial Rome (2009), Tacitus, Translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb, Digireads.com Publishing. ISBN: 1-4209-2668-3.
Boudica & Britain www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/boudica.html

#history #rome #documentary

コメント (21)
  • 🚩 If you like what you see, consider supporting my work on Patreon and you get ad-free early access to my videos for as little as $1 www.patreon.com/historymarche -- You can also show your support by subscribing to the channel and liking the video. Thank you for watching. 🚩 In Britain, at the northernmost edge of the empire, Rome’s strategy for command and control failed horribly. For the first time in memory, the Roman army is in retreat and the power of Rome is questioned. The Iceni army led by Boudica has cornered the outnumbered Romans at Mancetter. The Roman general Gaius Suetonius Paulinus steels his men for the battle ahead: “Ignore the racket made by these savages. There are more women than men in their ranks. We have beaten them before and when they see our weapons and feel our spirit, they will crack. Stick together. Throw the javelins, then push forward! Knock them down with your shields and finish them off with your swords. Forget about plunder. Just win and you will have everything
  • I am always impressed how the Roman sources were so willing to call out the fact that many of these wars and revolts were incited by the greed and avarice of their fellow Roman elites. ‘Create a dessert and call it peace.’
  • @jonny-b4954
    One of the greatest defensive, pitched battles in history. I mean, imagine the adrenaline of those Romans afterwards, when it was starting to come down. Realizing 10k of them slaughtered tens and tens of thousands. Must have been one HELL of a speech from Paulinus before the battle.
  • @b3ygghsas
    "A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house" -Socrates I think this quote is very fitting for boudica's rebellion
  • Rome at its height, with competent commanders must have been terrifying. This battle was an absolute slaughter. What was the legion in battle called? A meatgrinder?
  • Paulinus knew that he would be the butt of jokes in Rome if he lost to a woman. It wasn't happening on his watch.
  • @davidhughes8357
    The Romans had already experienced a somewhat similar scenario against Hannibal at Cannae particularly in the total numbers of casualties on each side. And the legions here were not just a mob of individuals without organization. Thank you so much for this fine production of a battle that i have always been interested in !!!
  • Even if paulinus had real troops. The ratio was still crazy. I don't get why some people thinks that boudica is more dangerous than vercingetorix. Becuse the sacking of the settlements wasn't all that impresive. No competent military leader, just numbers.
  • @camboselecta1
    I used to live in St Albans. You can still walk the roman walls and even clearly see the London gate, one larger entry for horse and cart and two smaller on either side for foot. Really cool. Verulamium is actually really small, the walls fit easily in to the city park. There is a place you can see the mosaic and under floor heating in one of the larger houses. But, what did the romans ever do for us…..? Hahaha
  • I find it laughable to see people say Boudica is one of Rome's greatest enemies. She did start a rebellion no doubt and had some success. But she mostly attacked small settlements and isolated camps. Plus the Battle of Watling Street... the only battle she ever fought saw her use a strategy that not only decimated her army but ended the rebellion with terrible redemption from the Romans. She made an effort but it hardly was a challenge.
  • As a Brit, this hurts to see. As a Roman fanboy, can't get enough...
  • Her (Boudica's) first REAL Battlefield command and she was utterly obliterated.. A very poor leader of men in battle. Totally inept and it cost her and her people EVERYTHING.
  • Good as ever. I liked the way that you depicted the land with its coastline as it was then, rather than using a modern map of Britain.
  • key moment was when the disciplined Roman legionaries formed several large wedge formations which pushing forward tore through the massed unprepared ranks of their opponents