Kristian Jack on CanWNT drone scandal and what must come next for Canada Soccer

Publicado 2024-07-28

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @SteveChurchman
    You canā€™t listen to KJ without seeing both his passion and disgust at this situation. šŸŽÆ
  • @goober11
    KJ is spot on. Get sunlight on this shit.
  • @gramthefan1.051
    My feeling is that Rickā€™s reporting is really important, but we really want our team and players supported. When they arenā€™t the ones cheating they need our support. A lot of the messaging around this has become so negative, but itā€™s staffers that needs to be dealt with and fixed within our structure. None of this should stop our support or growth of the game. Letā€™s be as loud with positives as with negatives basically.
  • @thebaldman72
    I don't know very much about rick Westgate (pardon me if I get his name wrong).. I generally never trust what the media is putting out there. But when KJ speaks, I listen to what he says. A man of integrity and honor.
  • @TheGravelBoys
    Sorry KJ Iā€™ve agreed with most things youā€™ve ever said but guilty by association is not a valid argument here when the players had no control over it to be punished for literally existing. Theyā€™d have to not exist to avoid this
  • @darrinnoel8781
    I have a lot of respect for KJ , his soccer knowledge is the best , always enjoy his comments , but I disagree in regards to the guilty by association opinion. Like Wheels mentioned these players were put in a position where they can't win. They're expected to trust the coaches , listen to the coaches , work hard at practice , & play hard. If a player suspects possible cheating what are they supposed to do ? , go to the Canada Soccer executives to report it ? , their never going to do that. Drone use to gain an advantage is clearly wrong but the punishment should go to the people who instigated the cheating plan not to the people who had no control in carrying this plan out. A 6 point deduction in the group stage of the Olympics is absolutely harsh , unjust , & cruel towards these players who have dedicated their lives to this sport. Very happy & impressed to see the Women defeat France , was quite inspirational to see how hard they fought. I think they are steaming mad about the whole thing & have developed a chip on their shoulder because of the unjust punishment towards them. It's brought them closer together & inspired them to fight harder then ever before because they are in fact innocent. Not guilty by association , not guilty period !
  • Support the team. The bad apples are rooted out. Investigate and do what is needed to eradicate this practice. But man support the athletes... Without a coach, with so much negativity in the air, they still beat the 2nd best team from 1-0 down .. isn't that something to talk about. Let's move fwd ..
  • @nathalieconnor5803
    What could be valuable intel on a team ranked 28th to a top ten team? Itā€™s just bizarre to me!
  • @victoria3241
    KJ should check his morals if he believes its justified to be determined guilty by association.
  • @massimoezem
    Agreed, its time for change where integrity is always the top value above winning because if we dont do that then who are we as a nation
  • @Statsy10
    I know Rick Westhead is getting a ton of flak for reporting this story. He also broke the story about Kyle Beach and the Blackhawks sexual assault, as well as the multiple sexual assaults that happened under the Hockey Canada banner. These are difficult topics, but unless we shine a light on them they simply continue to fester in the dark. Rick is doing real journalism and our country and world will better off for it. My hat goes off to him.
  • @hrb250
    Canada media is turning this from a 3 to 10 for clicks. This is a concacaf norm? Yes. If you have played the sport at a high level. you know this makes little to no difference in result. Is this embarrassing? Yes. Is it cheating? Yes. Should Bev lose her job? Yes. Should this be treated like the entire team is on anabolics (which is how it is being treated). No.
  • @raylouison7571
    Just like Ben Johnson, there needs to be a Dubin inquiry.
  • @TheRumblewagon
    The team would be top of their group if not for the scandal.
  • @markcorner7733
    John Herdman and Bev Priestman are both from the same city in the UK, Consett, Durham.
  • @user-yg5yw9dq6p
    Thanks for having this conversation. This has been an education for me. I am still blown away that this kind of mindset among a sports organization was allowed/enabled for so long. I still cannot believe that there was any advantage gained by this. Not when there is so much actual game video that is available for analysis. Itā€™s a freaking practice! Just stupid.
  • @kalafka12
    Maybe theyll talk about the game?
  • @dinksterling
    I think its an absolute disgrace that Canada did this and I feel horrible for our girls and hope that they can push through knowing that the whole country is behind them. On a side not if you think that other countries/clubs don't do something like this is being very naive