Opera Singer's Mind Melts Listening to the Scaramouche Battle Theme for the first time...

Published 2022-11-02

All Comments (21)
  • @meiblack8934
    “I love when organ is not used in religious or holy setting”. Scara literally becoming a God with this music playing at the background 😂
  • @Ikcatcher
    It’s honestly amazing how Genshin can have both an orchestra and EDM going on at the same time and not feel out of place
  • The fact that they managed to mix a japanese style melody with european opera throwing japanese and latin lyrics while keeping callbacks to the fatui melody really made this one of the best Genshin themes yet.
  • @krypto3042
    Interpretting the lyrics at 9:15 as « i am suffering » when the actual lyrics are « i’m being laughed at » is just genius
  • @1sie
    You can really hear his anger, his sadness, you can almost hear him say, "I was misunderstood, but now, I WILL get what I deserve!"
  • @ZukuUzu
    The best thing about Marco is that somehow he's going to understand a character's personality and backstory better then people playing trought the game since launch by listetning to the music alone
  • @alicec8572
    Just realized that scaromouche, a puppet for a God, became a God and gained a puppet. No matter how much he's said he hates Ei, he still wants to measure up to her.
  • I still maintain that Genshin’s two greatest strengths are its character design and its music. Absolutely phenomenal
  • @Kugaine
    A lot of the previous weekly boss themes sound like you're facing a mighty opponent. Scaramouche's theme feels like you're facing something menacing that you don't understand and needs a miracle to overcome.
  • @leikusha
    Yu-Peng Chen has once again created a masterpiece. I bow to this man's talent💀
  • @chaosxny5784
    I imagine something when the singer representing Scaramouche starts singing:
    The Latin lyrics represent The Harbinger Scaramouche, the betrayed, the nihilist, the bitter and resentful. The one who wants to dominate.
    The Japanese lyrics represent The Puppet Kunikuzushi, the (basically) child of Ei, the friend of Katsuragi, and the caretaker of others like him. The one who loved to...well, love.
    These two people are battling each other face to face inside of Scaramouche's mind, fighting to turn one or the other.

    8:23 Scaramouche leads with Latin lyrics to dominate the scene, to take control

    8:47 However, the Japanese woodwind instrument comes in loud and strong, symbolizing Kunikuzushi. The part of Scaramouche he will never get rid of. He will always have that piece of himself.

    8:59 It's Kunikuzushi speaking now, lamenting the fact that he is in the position he is in now. No longer loving, but hating and wishing destruction upon others. HE doesn't want this.

    9:41 Scaramouche is back, reveling in the fact he is becoming a god and becoming stronger than ever. He shuts down Kunikuzushi. He welcomes the hate and destruction. The world deserves it for what it did to him. He bounces off of the background vocals, representing the Fatui, which shout out "Leader!" and he shouts "Holy!" They will make him a leader, a holy leader, a god.

    10:19 Scaramouche is fully lost in the pursuit of a god. His voice has been twisted and mechanized. The mecha the Fatui had built him has become his own mechanical coffin. But his anger remains, his words being belted out with villainous intent.

    11:06 But...Kunikuzushi is still there, staring down at what Scaramouche has now become. The woodwind comes back even harder, battling against the crackling of the EDM. No matter how much Scaramouche tries to push, Kunikuzushi won't just lay down and die.

    11:18 Kunikuzushi laments one more time, wondering how it came to this, why Scaramouche had to become this.

    11:31 Scaramouche explains to Kunikuzushi that this is how it is. Slowly stepping down from his mecha, Raiden Shogun style. He assures Kunikuzushi that "Rest assured you will rest". He won't have to worry about Scaramouche anymore, because he will forget Kunikuzushi. He will move on.

    But the truth is, he will never forget Kunikuzushi.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

    Lyric translation thanks to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EfkjrQ6Jh0

    Edit: As of 5/5/2023, Syahmi (thank you) in the replies has said the video I got the translation from has been removed.
    Please watch Hoyoverse's official performance of Polumnia Omnia instead.
    It has the official-official lyrics and you can still interpret the song in the same way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyrsVvea0TM
  • @Lunano2
    When the flute kicked in for the final phase, I get that overwhelming sense of dread and sadness. As if a heavy a reminder that whatever Scaramouche does, a part of him will always remain in Inazuma. Ei’s mark will always stay on him no matter where he is.
  • @KamisatoElias
    It’s simultaneously terrifying, magnificent, ominous, melancholic and angelic. Easily the best boss theme I’ve ever heard.
  • @MarcoMeatball
    Btw y’all - it has been proven that the singer is in fact not the Chinese VA. I’ve seen that in basically every comment - I know the idea of it is exciting but they themselves said it wasn’t them. So, let’s keep that in mind!
  • @birubu
    Whoever thought that gothic Latin choir chant traditional Japanese EDM needs to be a genre hats off to you
  • @aiasky3534
    The male tenor sounds A LOT like Scaramouche’s voice. So it’s almost like he is singing, and the back male chorus are Celestia. (Also, that the voice is so sleek and deep - it is beautiful - reflects perhaps how canonically Scaramouche is beautiful to behold - so his madness is contrasted to his physical beauty)

    The way his voice in inverted - it’s wrong, he isn’t supposed to be divine, on the same level as them. Even the fact that he sings in Japanese, inspiration of Inazuma and his origins, and then Latin - he is attempting the divine.

    The way his voice rises above the others reflects a lot how Scaramouche himself wants to be above, transcend his “natural” place - he wants his “right” to be divine. As you said, the voice is forcing itself as if - ‘listen to me, you have to’.

    But I honestly do adore the last part when Scaramouche sings. It sounds like a prayer - you can see his hands reaching up into the sky. Building up of breath = building up of pain. And it’s reaching up and up, twirling so beautifully - in this moment his voice is not inverted but true and, again, beautiful. Innocence. His cry to the Heavens.

    Then it would invert. That’s his insanity - his pride.
  • @Matthew_Carey
    You’re 3 for 3 in terms of getting the characterization spot on for the Fatui. You are DAMN good at this.
  • One thing: I did not think someone's boss theme would overthrow shogun's "Approaching thunder". But this... this is life...
  • Ah, another fun thing I spotted! The weekly domain where we fight Scaramouche is called "Joururi Workshop", and joururi is the traditional Japanese narrative music that accompanies bunraku, traditional puppet theater, and emphasises lyrics and narration rather than music - which ties in perfectly with Scara's theme placing more emphasis on narration than the other Harbingers', Scara himself being a puppet on many levels, and also gives a little nod to the mentions of traditional theater in Scara's lore.