Spirituality Begins with Self Acceptance

Most people struggle with feelings of inadequacy. And on the Spiritual Path this can lead to a kind of self-rejection, which becomes an impediment to awakening. Self-acceptance opens the way to genuine awakening and transformation.

"Much of spiritual life is self acceptance, maybe all of it."
- Jack Kornfield

"You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself."
- Thich Nhat Hanh

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Background Music: “I Leaned My Back Against an Oak After the Water is Wide” by Axletree
(Creative Commons Attribution)

#SpiritualAwakening #SelfTransformation #SelfAcceptance

コメント (21)
  • @giiiizmo
    'Spiritual people are sometimes the most judgemental ' Finally someone said it! I thought I was the only one thinking this
  • I embrace my flaws and improve, never live your life to other people’s expectations this will steal your joy and happiness... be true to yourself always
  • In my dark night of the soul, I’m glad I found this channel. 🙏
  • @nikollaj
    I’ve been feeling unworthy, insecure, and remembering a lot of my trauma. I’ve been wanting to heal and I forgot about my spirituality. I forgot how calm I was. A co worker and I the other day and he reminded me about it. I found this video trying to find my spirit again and it made me realize I just need to accept and love my spirt again. Learn all over again how I deserve to love and grow with and into anything that’s positive
  • "So when the ego is about to be unmasked, it immediately identifies with the Higher Self. It goes up a level, because the religious game is simply a refined and highbrow version of the ordinary game." Alan Watts
  • Didnt know of this dude til today and already have watched 7 of his videos. This guy knows about life mentally, physically, spiritually, celestially even omniversally!
  • Why can't I like this video more than once? You really deserve more recognition, man. Great channel.
  • If we try to stay in “beginners mind” we can avoid many of these pitfalls and stay genuine ❤️
  • Yes Authenticity being completely honest with oneself. Always doing self reflection. Love ❤️ to all.
  • @parry3231
    There is no person, system, religious group or other groups of people who are involved in creating the right way to be in living together that has been attractive to me..lam of the belief that loving kindness is always the way to be. We are all here in our uniqueness, lessons to learn, and learning how to treat ourselves and other people and the earth . l am a work in progress and so are we all. Being present in each precious moment of life and being able to be true to yourself and the energies of living with love for all life....threre is always a drama free energy, benefits the world, is a joyous experience of creativity, and contains the powers of generosity, compassion, peace, justice for all life, and not having to live with comparisons and competition for living. Just simply being aware of what you think, feel, and being present in your own life in your truth and your heart's knowing that love is a treasure and is everlasting. Love is free and available to us all at anytime and we all equally have the power to create our future with our love of being.
  • As I sat here having my own pity party, questioning my goodness, I came across this vid and it brought back a memory from my 'spiritual' journey. A reverend I once knew said, when a horse thinks of god would it not see itself as reference. Which would be on the basis of know thyself, that message has been since the beginning of infinity. I am thankful for the reminder.
  • When you accidentally click on one his videos, you well know your angels are guiding you. And thank you Sir, for spreading your knowledge. ✌🏻❤️
  • It is always refreshing to find someone who is telling it like it is and who is doing their part to keeping it real rather than painting everything as "white light" lol
  • Thank you for the love. This was beautiful. We're all on the path surmounting our unique challenges and acknowledging and embracing our brokenness. Once we embrace them, we can transcend them.
  • @zain4019
    I believe we are all enlightened. Truly. It is our rejection of the current moment and the clouding of ourselves in rejected and unhealed pain that we separate from our true being. Many mystic schools such as Zen carry this same teaching- that “enlightenment” is within us, that this inherent peace and happiness is of our true nature. It is simply a process of Being, of stillness, of presence that allows us to see what beauty we’ve always had, what beautiful beings we always were.
  • Thank you so much for this video. THIS was the exact reminder that I needed. I cry now. You reminded me that healing is more about integration. I looked at all my wounds, but looking at them and ACCEPTING them is a different thing. I had a massive outburst of rage that showed me parts of me that I don't accept... Things I thought I healed long ago..... Like neediness, attachment to approval of others, people pleasing... One can sit and observe. That's great. But actually accepting that rage, fear, grief - heartbreak, loss, anxiety, attachments,.... are a part of you, that they belong to you - this is the real process. As soon as we start honouring EVERY emotion - instead of just letting it pass.... I think this is the real union with self. Treating everything that arises with respect, gratitude and love.. Welcoming it. This sounds so super easy, but it is a huge task. Especially when you doubt your decisions, people around you think you are going crazy... But your heart knows the way. When this little gem of silence in your heart becomes your home, then you are able to welcome also the negative emotions. This is the practice.... And also: Being able to ask for help! This is a huge one. Don't be afraid to reach out! To family, friends, therapists or coaches... This can be a huge help. Happy ascension everyone!!🙏🏻💪😄
  • I have been exposed but I must say that it’s the best thing that has ever happened for me. 💖 Thank you!
  • I needed this video more than anything. Thank you so much. Good luck to everyone on their spiritual journey <3 :)