Brothers (Carry Me)

Publicado 2009-07-01

Footage from Star Wars Episode I II III IV V VI
Song by Dead By April - Carry Me

All copyrights belong to their rightful owners

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Lord_Foxy13
    "I hate you" "You were my brother Anakin" To this day makes me tear up a little
  • @jiminnie8538
    When Anakin and Obi-Wan is fighting, I'm torn between thinking "this is the saddest thing I've ever seen" and "this is the hottest thing I've ever seen"
  • @toosexieforyou
    Wow, I can't even...This video is amazing. I've watched it over and over again and have cried every time. I don't care if people call me a nerd or geek for star wars I'll take it. I love this. I'd like it a million times if I could. You did an amazing job at this!!!
  • @somecanadian3665
    The way they put the clips is the most badass thing I have ever seen
  • Say what you will about the wisdom of ancient Master Yoda, or the deadly skill of grim Mace Windu, the courage of Kidi Adi Mundi, or the subtle wiles of Shaak Ti; the greatness of all these Jedi is unquestioned but it pales next to the legend that has grown around Kenobi and Skywalker. They stand alone. Together, they are unstoppable. Unbeatable. They are the ultimate go to guys of the Jedi Order. When the Good Guys absolutely and positively have to win, the calls goes out. Obi Wan and Anakin always answer. Whether Obi-Wan's legendary cleverness might beat Anakin's raw power, straight up, no rules, is the subject of schoolyard fistfightsm creche-pool wiggle matches, and pod-chamber stinkwars across the Republic. These struggles always end, somehow, with the combatants on both sides admitting that it doesn't matter. Anakin and Obi Wan would never fight each other. They couldn't. They're a team. They're the team. And both of them are sure they always will be. - Matthew Stover (Revenge Of The Sith Novelization)
  • @kayleemai2715
    Love how when Obi wan dies in the end it is both Anakin and Obi wan (as younger selves) that regrets it.
  • @Karmai9
    anakin: I HATE YOU obi wan kenobi: YOU WERE MY BROTHER anakin I LOVED YOU
  • Epic video. Perfect song choice for Obi Wan and Anakin and great editing. Amazing work. 👏
  • @TheWarleader
    one of the BEST music videos i have ever seen, period!!! great work:)
  • Fantastic editing, fantastic song, so emotional. This movie told a story of betrayal in and of itself. Well done!
  • @Alarcj7
    RIP Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi (57BBY-0BBY). RIP Anakin Skywalker (42BBY-4ABY). Both sacrificed themselves for the same person: Luke Skywalker. But both of them are friends the cosmic force.
  • @PadawanAR
    I've just discovered you as I don't usually spend a ton of time on YouTube. This one of the best fanvids I've run across regarding Obi and Ani, the fall of their friendship and the pain that haunts in the aftermath. Excellently set to the song of choice.
  • @katoo89
    This is by far one of my favourite videos of Obi-Wan & Anakin. Your editing skills are amazing, the juxtapositions, the change of colours and the heartbreaking quotes make this perfect! I think my favourite part is the end, when Vader strikes down Obi-Wan, and then both Obi-Wan and Anakin look down sadly. It's really sad how these two brothers broke apart, you really captured the great times they had and how terrible it was that they were ripped apart by the circumstances.
  • @Zaron_Gaming
    heard this song and this video at least a 1000 times and i still get the shivers and tear up a bit. The pure emotion and power in the singer the connection it has to this story just everything fits so well
  • @Miklos211
    Masterpiece! This is the saddest part of the StarWars universe for me! But that's a good video! I cry sometimes when i see this part in the third StarWars. They was brothers, at in the end was enemys. :'(