
Published 2015-08-06
My third year film at Cal Arts. The sound has been remastered to further emphasize the films' haunting nature.

A mother wolf breaks into a hunter's den and takes back her pup, only to find it a stuffed trophy. She sings to her cub a goodnight's lullaby, hoping her child would finally sleep. Little does the mother know, a young hunter is already on her trail.

Music by Denny Schneidemesser
Sound Design by Glenn Hafagre
Teenaged Hunter voiced by Lucien Dodge
Singing Wolf by Karen Kahler.

Wolfsong is a film about bonding - and questions whether 'family' is a strictly human thing. Animated in TVPaint for the first time.

All Comments (21)
  • "When a man wants to murder a tiger, it's called sport; when the tiger wants to murder him it's called ferocity". Quote by George Bernard Shaw.
    I haven't watched this short film in nearly 5 years. Today it crossed my mind and I decided to rewatch it. I still break down during the whole thing.
  • This one always kills me. It shows truth despite being an animation. Animals feel pain, your trophy is someone else’s baby.. it’s screwed up. Trophy hunting is the worlds grossest sport. It shouldn’t even be considered a sport it’s really an atrocity.
  • No matter how many times I watch this film, I always cry. A wolf's howl is a song that relays much sadness
  • @lisamoore1156
    When I saw this for the first time it resonated with me. It wasn't just sad but it was showing how similar humans and animals are. Both the man and the wolf get angry at each other and show sadness. I know a lot of people wanted the man to get eaten but I think after the wolf died something changed in him and I think he will try to redeem himself but he'll always regret what he did. What I take from this is that human or beast we both feel anger, grief, and happiness. Thank you
  • It’s been 8 years since I seen this clip and and the 1st time I watched it 8 years ago I sobbed 😭😭😭😭my eyes out. I am back now and it still touches my heart❤️. It’s a beautiful sad animation still till this day.
  • I remember first watching this when it was still pretty new and crying with my mom This was when my mom had fallen into depression and became completely lost as I had started growing up The story made me miss our bond; how she would always protect me and never wished to leave my side The fact she was so devoted to me as a mother However it’s been a about a year now sence she died And the story has a whole deferent meaning It reminds me of how she fought to hold onto me as a child Refusing to let go of our past until the night she died She loved me And she couldn’t except how far we’d grown apart And even at her weakest She still loved me the only way she could This is one of the only things I have left in her memory And the way you can express so many themes perfectly depending on the viewer is brilliant Thank you for giving people a chance to have something this beautiful. It’s a story that’s been told before but I don’t believe I’ve seen one with such nuance and feeling before; for 3 years later it still leaves me sobbing And each time I watch it I cry for a seemingly different reason
  • This is one of the most emotional animated shorts (if not THE most emotional one) I've ever seen. I cry everytime I see it. I really look forward to see more from you. I really love your style.
  • “We reached the old wolf in time to watch a fierce green fire dying in her eyes. I realized then and have known ever since that there was something new to me in those eyes, something known only to her and to the mountain. I was young then and full of trigger-itch; I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters’ paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view.” Thinking Like a Mountain, ASCA 130. (Aldo Leopold). I thought of this quote when I saw this video. The wolf is a powerful, majestic, beautiful, yet terrifying animal and that video sure did exemplify all of those qualities.
  • @OrdanBurdan85
    This is so emotional! You deserve more views - 28 698 views from 2015? Really?... Such a shame this didn't make a billion view at least.... This video is a masterpiece!... Keep up the amazing Work!
  • @WhatTheShrimp
    Seven years later, and this short film still makes me cry. I lost my dog two years ago, so this is definitely more emotional than I remember it being, but I still love it so much!
  • I was like, oh it's cool. It's just another animation... halfway through whoa it's so touching! So emotional! Reaches end and sees them together again breaks up in tears I congratulate you, sir, as I do not cry often.
  • That was beautiful, I never cried so bad because of an animation. Keep up the amazing Work!
  • @Shattered3582
    the look on the guys face after he saw that he killed a pup that had a mother shows that he wasn't sure what he had done was right. even when his comrades came and congratulated him, he still looked guilty for what he did. i saw this a while ago yet i still feel pain for them both way more than seeing any woman on in the movies cry
    I was just scrolling down the channel to see films this guy has made because I was watching a video where he was talking about organizing files in indie animation. I didn't even know he made this but I first watched it ages ago, and it resonated with me so much. It still does, good work man.
  • For those who are confused, the wolf protecting the plushie was her daughter, she stole her from the shop, her daughter was killed and stuffed. If you need more context, in 2:51, the wolf that was shot and killed was the wolfs daughter. Edit: This animation is a clear representation how we humans act in todays world. We destroy, and ask questions after. To better explain, the hunter killed the wolf pup, and saw the desperate mother being chased off by his other hunting friends. The mother wolf tried desperately to protect her daughter, who was already dead, and shown as a stuffed animal. After the hunter killed the mother wolf, he seems to ask this question: "What have I done?"
  • @ariiuchinara1746
    I love the ending despite how sad and horrible it is. It shows that our actions are often blinded by emotion and have lasting consequences. This film not only shows how both sides were lost in emotions, but the dedication, determination, and DELUSION a mother's love can have. Any animal knows the pup is dead, but her overwhelming love for her lost kid let her ignore that, in a sense humans would consider disturbing and psychotic. Ripping a child away from a mother is devastating, but one often doesn't understand (in this case the hunter at the beginning, desperate to take back his kill, doesn't think about why). Another thing this film portrays is the influence of peers and social teaching, the hunter when he first killed was nervous, after seeing the bigger wolf confused and maybe guilty. It wasn't until his friends congratulated and made killing a child something to be praised for, did he develop the pride and protection over the stuffed pup.
  • @thygrrr
    It is incredible how such a crushing emotion of grief and loss is fully conveyed to and manifested in the viewer in under four minutes with no narration, no dialogue, no intelligible words. A true masterpiece, and a strong contender for saddest film on the Internet.
  • @KatsIsWeird24
    6 years later and I’m still crying to this, I was 15-16 when I first saw this, I’m 22 now 😭