Fun Tour of American Accents | Amy Walker

Publicado 2011-10-09
A Fun tour of American Accents. How To Do an American Accent - Bonus! You Did It! Well done. :-)
Bonus from a FUN, in-depth, private tutorial series with accent specialist and actress, Amy Walker. Just like one-on-one lessons, but Free! with fun tips and tricks you won't find anywhere else.

See why Amy's intuitive techniques have helped thousands of people all over the world to improve their American Accent.

All the best!

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Reviews of Amy's Teaching Sessions:

"Right after the first lesson, my director told me I had already improved. It was easy to work with Amy: she has the rare and beautiful quality of being a shining person, solar and with huge energy to give..." Daniele Favilli Actor

"I have gone through speech therapy my entire life. I have also been teased about a speech impediment my entire life. No one could convince me to open up and really work on my voice, until I met Amy. She creates a very inviting and encouraging environment. Working on a "downfall" is such a venerable time but with Amy, I was always eager to receive feedback from her. " Bo Roberts Model, Actor

"Amy is a sheer delight to work with! Her 'amiable' nature and intuitive teaching style make working with dialects both an entertaining and natural experience. I look forward to training with her again and again in the future!" Mara Junot Voice-Over Specialist

"I was talking to my husband today after practicing from our tapes, and he said that this is the best improvement in accent he had ever heard from me!"
Shikha Jain Actress

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TerkanTyr
    How the hell does your face magically change to the sterotypical regional face? It's mesmerizing.
  • @regan_cm
    literally WATCH her whole face and posture change this is INSANE
  • @katherines9015
    I appreciate that she did multiple Southern accents. So many of these videos don’t acknowledge the varied accents across the region.
  • @joeschmoe3665
    When she went "Bring it home" into southern all I heard was Matthew Mcconaughey alright alright alright
  • A non-native english speakers, I enjoy so much listening to the different american accents. I didn't grow up listening to stereotypes of these accents, so I feel like I get to appreciate them more for their melody, entonación, articulation. My favorite is from Louisiana, my least favorite is from Maine 😆
  • @jeffjacobs1707
    This is the most consistently accurate rendition of American accents I've seen on YouTube. Well done.
  • @cruzrobison4622
    Why are so many people being rude in the comments? She's just having fun with the stereotypical accents. She's playing a character. She's not going to get through the nuances of every region in a 6 minute video.
  • @HashimAziz1
    “Congratulations, you have made it through...” Erm, no, no I haven’t. I cheated my way here tyvm.
  • @maipetallis5583
    As a Californian (NorCal, live in the mountains) I was shaking my head at the valley girl accent until she pointed out how many constants we gloss over and how often we phrase statements like questions and yeah... I do that...
  • @iZomb
    I am proud to announce that after countless hours of practicing, I’ve perfected my Velociraptor from this informative video.
  • @PetBunnyDebbie
    I love how she connected the accents to the land. That was genius!
  • @jsoulas
    I was mesmerised by your rendition of the various American accents. You are a very expressive, talented, and interesting woman.
  • @womaninthewave
    I found it weird that when I moved to NC I never noticed my voice change at all but my friends in MD noticed immediately when I visited them
  • @ethanradd
    The southern accent is so relaxing, so charming, melts my heart
  • @annecla9627
    She should be an actress who plays an under cover detective who takes on all kinds of personalities. Awesome.
  • @jessika3288
    It's this kind of fun exploration of our differences that I love and wish ppl could focus on to bring our country together!
  • One negative thing that has come with the popularity of television and the internet is the loss of regional accents, in my opinion. Since most actors/actresses sound like they don't possess any accent, they're just kinda "normal", my generation has learned to subconscious imitate that "normal" accent. I'm from North Carolina. My mama constantly tells me that I sound like the people on TV. It's so disappointing because I love the Southern accent. I wish I had it more.