(開啟字幕) 由郭晉安歐倩怡宣佈離婚說起!八成女性提出離婚?老年人離婚日益普遍,男性大難臨頭各自飛比女恆高六倍

Published 2024-05-06
趙氏曾任教於美國Bryant University 、北京理工大學珠海學院、深圳大學、香港樹仁大學、臺灣中央研究院近史所,歷任客座教授、副教授、研究員、助理教授、高級訪問學者;現任國立中山大學臺港研究中心研究員(兼任)。

2018年獲中國經濟思想史優秀(一等)著作獎,研究題目包括經濟思想、經濟史、政治經濟學,出版著作二十一部,論文三十餘篇。英國權威出版社 Routledge給予 "中國和西方頂尖學者(leading Chinese and Western scholar)" 的評價。


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Gavin Sin Hin Chiu (趙善軒) is a well-known academic with expertise in the areas of economic thought, economic history, and political economy. He has taught at several universities, including Bryant University in the United States, the Zhuhai College of Beijing Institute of Technology, Shenzhen University, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, and the Institute of Modern History at the Taiwan Central Research Institute. He has also served as a visiting professor, associate professor, researcher, assistant professor, and senior visiting scholar.

In 2018, Dr. Chiu was awarded the first-class award for outstanding works in the history of Chinese economic thought. He has published twenty-one books and more than thirty papers, and the UK's authoritative publisher, Routledge, has evaluated him as a "leading Chinese and Western scholar."

In his book, "The Political Economy of the Han Dynasty and Its Legacy," Dr. Chiu and co-author S.C. Kwan examine monetary thought in the Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period (220–280 BCE). In the article, "The 'Cold War' between Ho Ping Ti and Academia Sinica. The Changing Political Identity of the Overseas Chinese," Dr. Chiu examines the political and intellectual conflict between Professor Ho Ping Ti and Academia Sinica during the period of 1967-1990.

Dr. Chiu is also the co-author of "The Income of the Customs during Late Ming and Early Qing," a book review of the "Note of the Customs Duties in the Qing Dynasty, 1644-1911," and the editor of "Search from the Beginning: The Intellectual Thought and Education in pre-Qin and Qin-Han Dynasties."

All Comments (21)
  • @gctalk
    《趙氏讀書生活》,一個歷史學者的平台,分享學術、社會、政治經濟觀察,請以每月5元美元獲取收費平台Patreon的參考資料、獨家專欄、史學和哲學短講分享: www.patreon.com/Chiusreading
  • @sophiachan1666
    曾經處理過的離婚案例,最大年齡係70歲,太太提出離婚,點解要70歲先離婚,就係等待所有仔女成家立室之後提出離婚,女方要求攞晒男方嘅所有資產包括最後一間舖頭都要打官司攞埋。另一單個案老婆提出離婚,唔再忍受佢老公每一日出街都唔帶鎖匙,無論幾多點返屋企,都要摷醒個老婆起身開門俾佢,不知不覺已經過咗幾十年,最終決定離婚。仲有另一個案,先生太太從來人前人後表現恩愛, 60歲那年太太提出離婚,仔女長大了,不需要再演戲。另外一個個案,兩夫婦均是專業人士,退休前各自各為工作忙碌,退休後嘅生活並未能磨合,最終選擇離婚。離婚沒有年齡限制,沒有誰對誰錯,放生自己放生別人。
  • @ada2112
  • @howwahchoy2348
  • @kkkam6987
  • @musehau5207
  • @alvinkwok5233
  • @wllee4125
  • @rlam8867
    理性分析,出埋離婚心理研究論文,長知識,有養份。😂👍❤👏👏 近片末的四大主因(4 big factors end up in divorce)最關鍵: 1. 嚴重地看不起,嘲笑,衊視對方,不顧對方感受。 2.持續性批評對方的性格,人格,信仰和信念,外表和行為。3. 防衛性高,不接受任何勸諫,忠告與批評。4. 自我封閉築牆,不溝通,常冷戰,忽視,漠不關心,扮忙。
  • @saulinlaw8989
  • 婚姻絕對喺需要經營, 看到老夫婦們還是手牽手實在難得❤❤❤
  • @choikc3741
  • @mabelchan302
    共睇過三個頻道談論郭歐的離婚,閣下對他們的情況沒有太多意見和評論。可是,卻一矢中的,說出了他們婚姻的至命點。故最認同則是閣下的分析與意見 ——— 比較中肯。如果其他夫婦也看到閣下這條影片,應該有所裨益。
  • @doucchan3268
    Good speech ! 👍Totally agree Happy Wife Happy Life