Exploring an Abandoned New York Neighborhood **WHY THEY LEFT**


コメント (21)
  • U should've interviewed the mailman. They drive around those blocks everyday, I'm sure they know what happened there
  • @Scoobis925
    That tornado alarm plus the abandoned city gives me post apocalyptic vibes. I could imagine a hoard of zombies wandering the town being the former residents
  • That is an air raid siren. When I lived in New Jersey a lot of the small towns would use them when the fire department had to get out on the road. After World War II they had all these air raids sirens left over and they didn't know what to do with them so they gave them to the fire departments. And they would use them to sign everything from a disaster to they are fixing to roll on a fire. And that way it would let people know to get off the roadways for a minute so they could get through and get to the fire as quickly as possible. Actually pretty damn good idea and my town still uses them!
  • It sucks ppl trash these places. Please explore with respect. Its quite sad that these houses are all abandoned with things inside still & all the memories.
  • @MossMusic777
    Pyramid corporation… Nah that doesn’t sound sketchy..
  • @TRLK
    Yo im literally the one who put that couch in the basement lol 😂 thats so cool to see in someone else's video
  • No kidding! I just found your channel recently and quickly became interested in the content. Just this morning I wondered how many similar buyout situations have happened near me in Troy/Albany NY and then this video shows up, perfect timing I’d never heard about this. How recently this was filmed? Also the siren you heard is used by volunteer fire departments to alert members of an incoming call, pretty common for non-paid fire services. And you’re correct the air raid sirens used are the same type used for tornados or even old repurposed missile/nuclear warning sirens during war times
  • @ceaton7536
    Every time that loud alarm went off all I could think of was Silent Hill lol
  • I did some digging when I was there. It was a family of 7. I haven't found why they left everything, but I did find 2 family member that still live in the area. I would contact them but they obviously left because they wanted to forget.
  • @MamaRed3
    Not a tornado alarm, it’s a fire house alarm. Either for fire or rescue/ambulance.
  • @edward8606
    It's not odd that people leave all their stuff, people get paid 5 × what their property is worth from COSTCO and just leave everything because they can buy more.
  • @miget3
    Thats insane. In 2011 Google Maps this place was totally up and running. Lawn chairs, tables and inflatable pools outside. The whole atmosphere is just on the extremes of the spectrum. That "hoarder" family? An emotionally troubled daughter thinking about death, and a bro living in his parents basement with the cupboard full of beer and a table covered in tobacco. Insert shady multi-billion dollar corporation using stealth developmental tactics. 1 certified valued employee of said company to infiltrate relationships, and then just sweep the rug out from under everyone. Literally the storyline to a show or video game.
  • Tornados actually occur in all 50 states. When properties are bought up like this, they are paid so much, that they just leave it all behind and start fresh.
  • That's insane one of the homeowners worked for pyramid. What are the odds...😮
  • stringer media thanks forsharing with me this video it was a reall cool video i really enjoyed it and God Bless.
  • Pyramid is a real estate company based out of Syracuse focuses on Massachusetts and New York, they also own 13 malls INCLUDING cross gates. Love upstate
  • @JoandJere
    So 36:46, rewind a bit and pause. Do you think it's strange that Phyllis J Wells is getting rewards from the pyramid management company that tried to get everyone off that land they bought ? So she was living there and was paid good I bet to try and get everyone out? I mean that's dirty!!!! What do yall think? Also those sirens are standard firehouse sirens around ny.
  • @lostaaron6951
    That alarm...You guys almost got stuck in Silent Hill