Americans Eating Danish Smørrebrød!! We try 4 different Danish open faced sandwiches.

Published 2021-01-19
One of the things Denmark is known for are it's open faced sandwich, or Smørrebrød. This week we decided to grab a few and try them out. We walked a bit outside of our comfort zone to experiment with ones we wouldn't normally eat.

See how it goes and learn a bit about the wonderful dessert we had afterwards as a reward. Plus some shots of snaps for good measure!

Torvehallerne -

All Comments (21)
  • @Sabi-qe6wp
    Downing snaps without even blinking - but having trouble with leverpostei and onions 😂
  • In Denmark it is a tradition to start with anything fish- or seafood related and then go on to the remainder of the smørrebrød.
  • I’m Swedish and my favourite Smørrebrød is the one with liverpate,fried bacon and meatjelly 😋
  • @The_Twani
    danish people when they see a video about denmark: im gonna watch this
  • @TheMessyDane
    If there is less than four layers, it's not smørrebrød, it's just a håndmad! Your dedication to the original danish words, with that american accent, is next level stuff👍👏
  • @skodass1
    You mentioned Frikadelle.. there is a difference between a frikadelle and a fiskefrikadelle: first one is made from pork, egg, flour and onions; 2nd one is made from minced fish (usually cod but sometimes coalfish, salmon or a mix)
  • @muhest
    Traditionally you start the smørrebrødsbord med fisk (Alt godt fra havet). So it is usually: Herring, (marinated white and red) Fiskefilet (deboned fish in batter), eggs and shrimps and then it becomes personal taste on how to proceed. Always leave room though. Cuz once you’ve had smørrebrød, cheese in all varieties on toast, crackers and biscuits are usually ending the lunch. And fastelavnsboller is not eaten with knife and fork. If you’re not greasy and dirty after eating one, you’re doing it wrong. 😂
  • @ThePunisherBoe
    Stjerneskud (Shooting Star) is both steamed and fried plaice on toast, with salad underneath the fish, with shrimps and lump-fish roe on the top. 😊 It’s considered a starter dish in a traditional danish 3 course meal, rather than a type of smørrebrød. (Mainly because it lacks the ryebread) Great videos! We love watching everyone of them 😁👍💪🇩🇰
  • @laurahn
    The kind of smørrebrød you eat in the video is what we Danes would call "højtbelagt smørrebrød" - directly translates to Highly coated smørrebrød. That kind you often get at big lunchens og special events. Most Danes eats smørrebrød at lunch, but those are called håndmadder, mening hand food (able to eat without fork and knife). Those kinds don't have as much topping, but are more simple. The leverpostej you got could probably provide leverpostej to 4-5 håndmadder.
  • @SrenBruun
    Ohh, you need a cold beer with the snaps and smørrebrød :-)
  • @ArthurOfThePond
    I feel like there should be a national program where you can sign up as a Dane and then you get assigned a new-comer and like, show them around and introduce them to the food and culture
  • @christian12wg17
    The fishcake is called a "Fiskefrikadelle" and not just a "Frikadelle" :D
  • @ekhaat
    Just a little hint, "ø" is pronounced like the "i" in bird, or the "ea" in heard, or "e" in herd. "æ" is like "eh", so "mæ" would be "meh", or like "ai" in chair. "å" is almost like "oa" in board. Cheers
  • @Madymoving
    Most Danes think the amount of leverpostej is alittle too much but we love it eitherway 😉
  • @DanMarksman
    Rugbrød makes you big and strong. When you use your body, like riding a bike or rowing a boat, we cales it "rugbrøds-motor". (Motor = engine!)
  • @fk0ck
    "Kvædesnaps" means quincesnaps. So its snaps with quince (apples sturdy, weird and not so sugary cousin).
  • As a dane I loved watching this 😁 It's so interesting to me to see how others perceive us, and the danish culture! Thanks for making the video! Also well done on the pronunciations on "smørrebrød" and "fastelavnsboller" - two very weird words when you think about them! But both are lovely food, to me! I am not an overly big fan of leverpostej either. But I love smørrebrød. And I KNOW - the fastelavn history is crazy (?!) - but today it's just a nice school day made festive with candy and fastelavnsboller and dressing up ☺️ Sidenote - in denmark we have another form of fastelavnsboller, also round but with a line of frosting, and jam in the middle. Those are better, to me, and not that dominated by whipped cream.