Mahamrityunjaya Mantra - Sacred Sound Choir - Ancient Chant For Healing & Peace

Published 2017-08-30
This mantra in ancient Sanskrit, is a call for enlightenment and is practiced for purifying karma of the soul at a very deep level. It is said to be very beneficial for emotional and physical health. Mrityunjaya Mantra, also known as "Rudra mantra" is found in "Rig veda VII.59.12", "Yajur Veda III.60", Atharva Veda XIV.1.17", "Shiva Purana" among others. According to the legend Mantra was given by Lord Shiva himself to sage Sukracharya. ==Oṁ houm om joom saha Boorbhuvassuaha==
Tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanam ǀ
Urvārukam-iva bandhanātmṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt
==Boorbhuvassuvarom joom saha houm om ǁitiǁ==
Meaning of Lyrics in English

We worship the Three-eyed Lord who is fragrant and who nourishes and nurtures all beings. (1)

As is the ripened cucumber (with the intervention of the gardener) is freed from its bondage (to the creeper), may he liberate us from death for the sake of immortality. (2)

Word by word Meaning of Lyrics

ॐ = oṁ = is a sacred/mystical syllable in Sanatan Dharma or hindu religions, i.e.
Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism (symbol of ultimate reality).
त्र्यम्बकम् = tryambakam, त्रि (Try=Three)+ अम्बकम् (Ambakam=Eyes)= “one who has three eyes” referring to Rudra or Siva who share the same attributes. (1) Firstly, in His ‘vishwaroopa’ or universal form, the three eyes symbolically signify the sun, moon and fire. Sunlight during the day, moon at night and fire in their absence signify illumination. (2) Secondly, the pair of eyes give sight to the material world and its experiences. The third eye is symbolic of ‘atma-jnana’ or knowledge of the Self through which one sees the higher reality. Kamadeva or Manmatha is the God of Desire perennially churning the mind and causing restlessness.
यजामहे=yajāmahe = We worship, adore, honour, revere you
सुगन्धिम् = sugandhim = sweet smelling, the fragrant (spiritual Essence). The fragrance The word in the mantra does not refer to physical fragrance, ie perfume but fragrance of character. Perfume emanates from a source and spreads to a reasonable distance. As such noble character spreads with warmth.
पुष्टि = puṣṭi = A well-nourished condition, thriving, prosperous, fullness of life.
वर्धनम् vardhanam = is one who nourishes, strengthens or restores (in health, wealth,
well-being); a good gardener.
उर्वारुकमिव urvārukamiva: उर्वारु, (Urvaaru=Cucumber) इव (Iva=Like, In the same manner)= like the
cucumber, here ‘urva’ means ‘vishal’ or big, powerful or deadly. ‘Arukam’ means disease. Thus ‘urvarukam means deadly and overpowering diseases. The pumpkin or cucumber interpretation is given to show detachment. The diseases are those caused by the negative effects of the three gunas and therefore (a) ‘avidya’ – ignorance or falsehood and (b) ‘sadripu’ – a constraint of the physical body.
बन्धनात् (bandhanāt)=means bound down, Bondage [of Samsara or Worldly Life]'I am bound
down just like a cucumber (to a vine)'.
मृत्यु (mrtyu) = Death
मुक्षीय (mukṣīya) = Liberation
मृत्योर्मुक्षीय mṛtyormukṣīya = Free, Liberate us from the fear of Death
मामृतात् (Maa-Amrtaat): Liberate us from the death (for the sake of Immortality); मा (Maa) = Not, अमृत (Amrta) = Immortal

All Comments (21)
  • I'm a truck driver in the United States. Being alone for long periods of time can be hard on the soul. I found this beautiful song and I can't stop crying while hearing it. I don't even understand it but it seems to understand me. WOW. Tears just won't stop...
  • @vibhanshu3593
    I'm leaving a comment here so that everyday if someone liked or replied to the comment I can be back to this heavenly masterpiece.
  • @Rizel3374
    I am from Uzbekistan(muslim country) I was muslim, but now i am not anyone, anythink. I realezed I am a great spirit who comed for exprienses to world❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @g00.41
    Namaste. Namaste. 🙏. What a blessing. I am an African. I do not understand Sanskrit but doesn't matter. I feel the rhythm in my heart. We are one people. On the same boat. We are all pirigrimes. Blessed are those who have chanced to listen to this mantra. Thanks be to Shiva.
  • @AB-nw3wj
    I'm leaving a comment here so that everyday if someone liked or replied to the comment I can be back to this heavenly masterpiece. ॐ🙏🙏
  • @IzrafilDangel
    Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is a verse from the Rig Veda and is considered to be the most powerful Shiva Mantra. It bestows longevity, wards off calamities and prevents untimely death. It also removes fears and heals holistically. Whoever listening to this sacred chant, may lord shiva bestow them with peace, health and happiness.
  • @OshoShakti
    Whoever is reading this, May your heart be at peace, your mind progresses to wisdom and your soul be liberated from all the miseries of this world. Love you 🧡
  • This mantra is thousands of years old. Lord Shiva sang this to his servant during a time when the servant was very ill. The nature of your emotions while listening to it is related to the specific notes used. The 'sounds'/notes are in a vibration that bypasses the physical world and affects the deepest part of the spiritual nature of the listener. In other words, it literally MOVES the soul. It stirs the soul and heart in such a way as to bring the natural vibrations of the body into proper alignment, which is believed to heal both body and mind. I definitely understand what you mean when you say you don't understand the words, but I causes a deep emotional impact on it has done to others for thousands and thousands of years. It is, quite seriously, utterly beautiful.....and I hope it continues to bring you peace and calmness to your daily life. Another similar is called "The Devi Prayer" by Craig Pruess and Ananda. It has a deep effect as well, and can calm even the deepest trauma or mental/emotional strain. May the Lord bless you and keep you🙏🥰❤️
  • Just weeks after I first discovered and was reading about Anandamayi Ma, I went to a Goodwill store. I was looking at random books they had for sale. I don't even recall the book...something about animals I believe. A postcard type picture of Ma fell out of that book and onto the floor. I picked it up and just stood there staring at her image and began to cry...mostly tears of joy. I wanted to tell someone! How could this be coincidence? I honestly couldn't believe it happened. But it did. There's more to the story but I won't go into all that. Suffice to say, it had a profound effect on me. 🙏Jai Ma!
  • @catiekc7165
    my mother would play this mantra on VCR in the mornings. she would burn incense, and meditate or do a morning flow. if i woke up to this song, i always knew it was going to be a good day. the tapes were unfortunately thrown away in a move by accident, and i've been looking for her since (my mother couldn't remember her name). my cat woke me up unreasonably early to eat (she had food) and i went looking for this song. im so so thrilled i found her. it still brings the same peace and hope that it did when i was a child. thank you Anandamayi Ma thank you thank you.
  • @PatrickPaul
    Om Tryumbakam Yajamahe Suggandim Pushti Vardanam Urvar- Ukamiva Bhandanan Mrityor Muksheeya Mamritat Aum Aum
  • @neiberviva8363
    This is for my mother who left me just over a week ago...ALWAYS IN MY HEART!
  • @ryzen2807
    For those who don't know, this is an Ancient Vedic Hindu Hymn from the Oldest Religious Scripture Known to Mankind- The Rig Veda, the oldest of the 4 Divine Vedas of the Hindus. The Mantra is called as Mahamrityunjay Mantra. Maha=Great, Mrityu= Death. This is considered as one of the most Powerful Mantras of Bhagwan Shiva. The Image of the Yogini in this Video is Swamini ANANDAMAYI DEVI. A Highly accomplished Yogi. Jai Sanatana Dharma ☀️🕉️🚩🔱📿🦅☸️🙏
  • @larryjack8489
    "If you want to find the secrets of Universe, think in terms of energy and vibration" - Nicola Tesla Indian vedic mantras are all about energy, frequency and vibration❤
  • @zawedra1524
    The soul does not need to understand any language in particular but it understands vibrations. ❤
  • @matxtc
    Coming from a Christian, this is the most beautiful song I’ve heard in my 20 years of life
  • Dear Father Divine ( Shiva ) and mother Divine ( Shakti) bless everyone listening to these chants. Walk through our lives and homes and purify our souls. Bless us with joy, happiness and peace. Help us heal all the sorrows and surrender to your will. Bless everyone reading this message with good health & happiness. 🙏🙏🌼🌼☀️
  • Hey, you. Whoever reading this, this is your sign. Everything's gonna be okay. You did not come this far to give up. I believe in you
  • @lbarrera94
    The universe makes no mistake, coincidence none. Be in bliss all who listen and find peace, love and a healthy deep breath. We are all of that same breath. You know me not and i love you, reading this. Keep growing/going.
  • @annegiii3446
    No matter the religion, God will always be something to experience in the depth of our heart. It's such a beautiful thing