Porsche just SAVED petrol engines FOREVER

One of the most significant u-turns in automotive history has just happened!

We know that countries such as the UK are due to ban the sale of new ICE cars by 2035, with the EU following suit. In their place will be electric cars, which are considered to be better for the environment. However, there are a few issues, such as the need for better charging infrastructure, as well as the affordability of electric cars.

However, EU legislators have recently come out and said they will allow the sale of new ICE cars after 2035! But this is under one condition - they must run on synthetic fuels.

So what are synthetic fuels? And could they really mean the sale of new internal combustion engine cars past 2035 has been saved?!

You’ll need to stick with Mat to find out everything you need to know!

コメント (21)
  • @hristiqng
    I wish Porsche the best of luck on their ambition to save the cars
  • If Porsche manages to do that, they will earn the eternal respect from all of the car community, we’ll build churches for them
  • Porsche are actually so iconic in the motoring industry and they just keep getting better and better. May God bless the work of their hands and minds
  • @Klymenko1927
    Synthetic fuel is a future not only for cars, for trucks, ships, planes too
  • On one hand i am sad that Porsche bottled their F1 entry and on the other i am over the moon that they are trying to save ICEs.
  • If making e-fuels takes so much energy to begin with, I expect it to be so expensive that most people won't be able to afford it.
  • Neat! Porsche always doing amazing things. Wonder when we’ll see this used in F1 to avoid going electric.
  • So I imagine they'd be made in various octanes? My main concern would be the longevity of the engine itself
  • @hellowill
    Had no idea the racing cars were already using this. Shows the fuel works and racing is important for car developments.
  • Please PLEASE Porsche don’t ever give up on these projects!!
  • Thanks. The sound is distorted, as the gain is too high. If you run a "compressor" on the audio in your editor, you won't have this problem again
  • Video actually starts at 4:00 for whoever's interested in using that amount of their life for better things
  • Concerned about the cost of synthetic fuels. Although if there's more competition it should drive the price down. Hopefully we'll get it cheaper than current fuel prices one day.
  • @salexander05
    I guess Ill need to get an E-Fuel tune for my Ram in a few years.
  • We knew about synthetic fuel for decades. People were watching big brother instead. Hey Matt, thanks for talking about this. I've been watching your channels since car buyer 😂
  • Is this the same as what P1 Fuels have been doing for the last few years?
  • synthetic fuels is a really good concept , to put it simply you can either charge 3 batteries for one run (synthetic fuel) or charge a single battery for one run! its efficient to use batteries , but i really hope this tech develops!