Elon's Cybertruck Is Weird And Lame

Published 2024-05-26

All Comments (21)
  • @Eden_Laika
    "The car made for any planet." In fairness, most planets don't have liquid water, so it's an understandable oversight.
  • @lilemoarts
    I don’t understand how you can advertise a car as “Apocalypse-proof” when it needs to be plugged in to working electrical infrastructure to charge, needs to download software updates from the internet before it even starts and can’t even handle a light rain shower without rusting.
  • @dappermancer
    everything i learn about cybertrucks makes me realize that they were designed by a 12-year-old who watched iRobot once and thought it was “pretty cool”
  • @2ndeaster
    Here's your $60k truck. Don't get it wet. Don't get it dirty. Don't drive it over sand. Don't drive it over mud. Don't drive it offroad. Don't drive it on regular road. Don't use a carwash. Don't use a car cover. Don't breath on it. Don't look at it funny. Don't. Just don't.
  • @amayakhler1551
    it's street legal because of lobbying and not because it's as competent as it's advertised to be
  • @SpoopySquid
    Congrats to Elon Musk for singlehandedly disproving the myth that Elon Musk is some kind of genius
  • @Shuttergun1
    The cybertruck is what happens when a vehicle manufacturer adopts the same mentality of “release now, fix later” that has plagued AAA game development for years now
  • @Foostini
    I'm not a car person either but you don't have to be a chef to know when the food tastes bad, y'know?
  • @arned3901
    Elon Musk is the harbinger of mediocre consumerism
  • @CupertinoEffect
    Finally that guy who went after the Elon Musk of game developers is here to talk about the YandereDev of car manufacturers.
  • @DarthLego46
    As someone who has used a vibrating sex toy, I can confirm that engineers have successfully tackled the problem of having a waterproof rechargeable electrical device. Which leads me to my theory of the “Dryness Field” that must surround Musk at all times that is further backed up by his rocky relationship with Grimes.
  • @Bewilderebeest
    My 2012 Mazda was totalled in a multi-car accident on the freeway in rush hour traffic. It was completely crumpled, but I walked away with literally one scratch. The guy in front of me had a huge pickup truck. The truck had barely a ding, but he suffered whiplash injuries. I can’t even imagine how much worse it would be in a Cybertruck!
  • Elon is the perfect example of "Just because you're rich, doesn't mean you're competent."
  • @gashadokuro_
    In the small mention of the front trunk you had, you forgot the best part. It can crush you finger, yes, but it's designed to close harder when met with resistance, AKA A HUMAN FINGER OR BODY PART.
  • @LazarusJone01
    Is so ridiculous that the metal is that sharp because it means they didn't take the time to deburr the edges which is standard for any metal that's going to be handled.
  • @Naitohana
    My boyfriend and I saw one parked at a store when we were going to a restaurant and I was doubled over laughing at how stupid the thing looked. I thought the cybertruck looked stupid enough in pictures but seeing it in person was just so funny. It looks so so ugly and dumb.
  • I wanna say that as an American, the advertising about it being "bulletproof" is stupid. It seems to be at most to be just below the level of 2A armor. Which is the lowest actual rating of armor. It can only really stop sub-sonic pistol rounds and buckshot, which is AWFUL at getting through things.
  • @GnuMagify
    12:00 To put into perspective how dumb this "sub-10 micron accuracy" is: A human hair is ~50 microns in diameter. A human red blood cell is approximately 8 microns in diameter. A deviation so small that it's barely visible in a 40x light microscope is apparently "sticking out like a sore thumb". Oh, and an online calculator is telling me that a foot-long sheet of steel will, if the temperature increases by 2C, expand by ~10 microns. So unless the temperature is so strictly regulated during production that there's not even a deviation of 2C, the measurements will already be off.
  • @ReelRai
    The reason why Tesla's interiors are so minimalistic and everything has to be done through one screen, is that its much cheaper to have one screen and do everything digitally than have actual buttons and switches