Choosing Humility in a Self-Centered Age | Quincy Mix | TEDxFurmanU

Publicado 2018-03-18
In the course of their lifetime, the average millennial will take over 25,000 selfies. Quincy Mix shares how you can choose to be humble in an age all about "being yourself" in this hilarious, yet relevant, talk.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • This has to be my favorite Ted Talk. It's okay to be humble, and I'm a fan. The most humble person that ever lived was Jesus and studying his life in the Bible, we can learn so much from him. Thanks for an amazing and insightful TedTalk.
  • @MrSprenkelz
    I'm surprised this hasn't blown up. People don't want to hear the truth man fr
  • @_skip.rope_459
    i went to school with this guy, totally didn’t know he did ted talks hahaha
  • @Martin12000
    Your story touched me man, humility, service, selflessness
  • @entitycause1498
    I gotta say. I really enjoyed this video especially the fact that he was so self aware that he was real enough to say he IS a proud person but he even so still works to humble himself. I dig it
  • @lunarscorpio3987
    I just looked up the value of humility because I find myself getting very egotistical and thinking highly of myself despite never willing to work hard enough to prove how good I am.
  • @annikelsey2541
    Thank you, I am 65 and brought up to believe in putting other people first. It isn't easy and can be painful, it takes time and inner strength to realise that come what may it is right. However, I also needed to learn to look after myself too. I think you have set a big challenge to your generation and well done for raising the issue.
  • Feel for your neighbor as you do for yourself. Their hurts, feelings and needs are just as valid and real as your own. Stay connected with all those around you. Jesus is our perfect example of love and acceptance and ultimate sacrifice for others.❤️
  • @drewlax23
    This man just took my 3AM inner monologue of feeling vomit that keeps me from falling asleep and turned it into something valuable I can collaborate with to grow from. I've skirted along the sidelines of understanding these ideas and never figured out a way to put it into coherent ideas. Thanks man!
  • @lilacDaisy111
    I was expecting some depth to this deep subject. Humility is the opposite to entitlement. Entitled to be adored. Entitled to be respected. Entitled to be served. Entitled to have everything my way. Humility forgives readily, is appreciative and is never easily offended. Humility seeks to empathise instead of ridicule (including ridiculing one's self) -- it's gentle with people (including one's self). Thus, insecure people with low self-worth are not to be misunderstood as humble -- they can still have huge feelings of self-entitlement, they're just too shy to let them be known.
  • Good points... Aim for acquiring virtues... "Humility exalteth man to the heaven of glory and power, whilst pride abaseth him to the depths of wretchedness and degradation.” ~ Bahá’u’lláh
  • @jalluisi
    Fabulous message! Practice empathy and watch the world change.
  • @cloudcorby420
    Humility is not thinking less of yoursekf its thinking of yourself less.
  • love this tedtalk---I watched it 4 or 5 times to absorb his lesson of Humility!!!!
  • In reading certain comments. Certain people didn't get the message, why because you are a narcissist. He is dead on. Every generation has issues, but Millenials are different. I know the factor of social media. I caught myself in the vortex of selfies etc. Now I am practicing humility. Suggestion google it for reals, listen to his message. People don't want the truth and it's true we are self-absurd society and it needs to change.
  • @jamesk8s1
    A few are speaking to this issue and Quincy you did it very well! Addressing this reality is greatly needed! Indeed, such a self absorbed me me me time. thank you!