The Dando Files: The Murder of Jill Dando

Published 2023-09-25
On April 26, 1999, Jill Dando – at the time one of the biggest names in British television - was shot dead in broad daylight outside her London home.
Just over a year later, loner Barry George was charged with her murder. He was convicted of the crime - but 8 years later he was acquitted, following a successful appeal.

I’m Mark Williams-Thomas and I’ve had exclusive access to the original Jill Dando police files – containing thousands of documents, intelligence reports…as well as photographs and footage never seen before..

*And I’ve uncovered evidence of a catalogue of police blunders that mean the real killer of Jill Dando may never be caught.
*And I’ve discovered that police failed to properly follow up a threat to kidnap Jill, sent just weeks before she was murdered.
*I can reveal for the first time that over 100 potential suspects were never eliminated from the inquiry
*Eleven people seen near Jill’s house on the morning of her murder were never identified
*Police used a discredited honeytrap operation to target their main suspect Barry George
*I’ve uncovered evidence that both the detective leading the investigation and the current Director of Public Prosecutions lied.
*And I’ve discovered that police failed to properly follow up a threat to kidnap Jill, sent just weeks before she was murdered.

This is the story, revealed for the first time, of the failed police investigation into Britain’s most high profile unsolved murder.

All Comments (21)
  • @bingsinatra5283
    I met her while she was filming The Holiday Show in Scotland in early 90s, she was very down to earth and friendly. After I closed the bar in the hotel I worked in, we had a few drinks together and I asked her "where are you going next?", she said "you'll be jealous", I said "on you go", she said "Rio". So sad.
  • The UK police was as competent in finding the killer of Jill Dando in 1999 as they were in finding Jack the Ripper in 1888.
  • We'll never actually know who killed her because there is an ongoing cover-up in progress.
  • @davidknowles7466
    The question that wants answering is why was Barry George fitted up and who were the police who were in charge of the case.
  • @Suzyfromtheblock
    Professional hit men don’t go running around drawing attention to themselves, running in front of cars, hanging about, standing at bustops, ridiculous
  • @JamesJohnAgar
    My money's on it being an intelligence hit - Police failures again tunnel vision, leads not followed up - Inconsistent witness statements from individuals in the street/area meaning distraction/distortion techniques - Only a few select people would have known about where she was staying since she didn't always stay in London - Probably being observed/watched even phones/computers tapped up - Execution style hit - Weapon/bullet used once probably used to send individuals on a wild chase once followed up - 2/3 Individuals presented crime watch why would she be the one shot? So that theory of a criminal gang doesn't stack up - A Serbian hit man because of the war? No chance they wouldn't have had the skills/expertise to carry out something like that - The media's lack of clarity to look at the possibility of it being an intelligence hit - She always wanted to be an investigative journo so maybe she found out about Savile/JE/GM/PA or other and they thought they could keep it quiet from coming out but due to Social media it has originally come out now.
  • @specialforces101
    Very unconvincing analysis from an obvious grifter. Why no commentary from the prosecution counsel and why no detailed analysis of other professional assassinations showing parallels with Dando's killer's MO?
  • @HondoTrailside
    What kind of theory is it that a "loner" was responsible for the killing? Is there extensive research that proves that loners are murderers as often as not? Is being a "loner" an all purpose motive for murder? In a world where large numbers of the population can't list one adult friend, and large numbers are no longer considering, or considered for marriage, how much does identifying a crime as likely committed by a loner shed a light on matters. And on and on. One advantage singling out loaners does have is that they would seem to be less able to defend themselves. They probably can't present an alibi. The whole primer residue is an odd one. They as much as gave him the defense, they kept hammering on about his owning a starting pistol. That was legally owned. They did not reveal in their questioning where the primer was from a starting pistol round (rim fire), or from a cartridge with a central primer pocket. Primer residue is not a universal compound, they should be able to do better than to say there was such residue, it could have easily proven not to be from the cartridge case they had recovered.
  • @rhiburgess5616
    Definitely need to review this cold case. Her poor loved ones, the not knowing must be awful. Clearly there were issues with the original investigation.
  • Only one molecule of gunshot residue was found in a coat pocket of Barry George which is astounding in that the gun that killed Jill Dando was used at close range. George's apartment was strewn with garbage and hoarded belongings. It was filthy and yet they found nothing other than one molecule linking him to the crime scene and an expert stated that that molecule could have come from anywhere. If George altered a pistol and hand-crimped a cartridge where is the evidence of tools used to do these procedures. There was none. As someone with knowledge of cartridge reloading, using an altered pistol and handmade cartridge, the weapon is more likely to explode in the user's hand.
  • @Caragh.Cuddihy
    Her fiancé is the only person who was aware of her plans and movements that day.
  • @N6-vn6ps
    It's odd that this case has never been officially solved. It is somewhat reminiscient of the D.B. Cooper skyjacking case in the states, which was most likely an inside job.
  • @chadlynch6992
    Let me debunk the "Serbia" hit , Serbia would've take responsibility for killing Jill Dando to let people know thier serious and they'll do it again .
  • @Ali1986Koksal
    The likelihood of it being Barry George with his extremely basic intellect he has to actually carry out such a sophisticated murder AND get away with it is not impossible but you really are STRETCHING things to suggest it was him when you take all of that into account plus the amount of luck that would of had to of gone in his favour on the day again is not beyond the realms of possiblity but would be extraordinarily unrealistic to say the least. Without trying to sound harsh/mean/disrespectful towards the man the Dr's and psychiatrist who analysed and assessed his mental capacity agreed that he was a VERY simple minded person and so he didn't possess the mental capability to think the killing through and then pull it off to the point where he could of physically done so in broad day and then cover his tracks so as to not get caught. At the end of the day Scotland Yard were under IMMENSE pressure to have someone charged for the murder of Jill Dando and the fact that Barry George just so happened to be in the immediate area not long after she was killed and also had an obsession with her plus the "Single particle of firearm discharge residue" unfortunately tied everything up for the Police so in many ways looking at it through their eyes it kind of HAD to be him. But in the end the killing was what 24 years ago now going off the time I'm writing this so at this point I can't ever see the day when this case will be solved unfortunately. I don't have a background in anything to do with profiling or catching criminals but I personally think that it was a professional hitman based purely on the fact that whoever DID end Jill Dando's life was in and out of there like a flash and didn't leave any evidence/clues behind to directly link them to the event. **One ALSO has to take into account that in 1999 CCTV cameras were not as widely used and spread out as they are today across not just London but the WHOLE of the United Kingdom so this sadly plays a MASSIVE part in the fact that no one was actually caught on camera gunning Jill down.
  • @mardylyttle4178
    I think 'they' took her out because she knew too much and was going to spill the beans
  • @HondoTrailside
    I don't know of any cartridge that is crimped over the bullet. There are blank and small caliber pistol shot shell cartridges that have a folded crimp, and that is because there is no bullet so the fold crimp terminates the casing and is sloped like a bullet for ease of insertion. Most cartridges are crimped into a canellure in the bullet itself, but they are not folded as shown in the program. The normal crimp is a subtle detail that many people may not realize has been formed. There is no reason to fold crimp, it would be unreliable, and cost more. The police seemed to be suggesting a starting pistol cartridge was used to push a projectile ahead of itself. This would seem to identify a person who had difficulty accessing decent firearms. They also referred to 9mm short/380 ACP, which is a standard weapon and loading.
  • After all your work on the JS Scandal, I've been wondering what your perspectives are on the latest Russel Brand controversy?
  • I'm convinced it was Jimmy Savile. He had the contacts and was being threatened with exposure.