I hate being like this // I wish I was normal.

Published 2020-07-10
I haven’t really handled things lately and my anxiety built up - so I went outside and tried to sort out things. I envy those who are able to sort things out, because for some people like me - it gets lost in my thoughts and builds up in my body. These thoughts get loud - and I tried to make them less loud.

I need to face my anxiety more - but this was a good step total action in.

We have to feel these things, talk it out, and it gives us easier steps to get up and start walking.

OK I’m not all inspiring here - this sh*t has been really tough but seriously anything small that can be done - literally good enough. Now I need to go on top of a mountain.
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All Comments (8)
  • @TimRoseOfficial
    Hey Alyssa! Saw your comment on Cathrin's channel and wanted to stop by and say hello! Thanks for your openness and sharing about your struggle. I can appreciate how hard it is at times <3
  • @jamiemcrow
    Girl, we are with you! Thank you for being vulnerable. Congrats on the promotion! It's all a new learning, every day. Start with small daily goals. You'll feel accomplished. Work: One new learning a day. One new skill a day. This will prevent the overload that we all get when we stuff our plate too full like I do at a buffett. What you mean they just put out new bread sticks and brownies?!?! Personal: Woohoo, I brushed my teeth. Woohoo, I brushed my hair. Woohoo, I planned my week out. Woohoo, I stuck to my daily goals. Woohoo, I made new videos. Small goals. Always, small goals. I can't say this loud enough: CELEBRATE YOUR WINS!!! Celebrate yourself. You woke up today, awwww yeah! You ate breakfast today, awww yeah! You didn't rip your 7th pair of jeans at work, awwww yeah (just kidding that happened to me on Thursday) Daily Mantras and Affirmations: I made this my July goal. Every day I commit to saying my monthly mantra. I have it on my calendar and I check it off when it's done. I also do it first thing out of bed so I don't forget. I also make it a priority. I want myself to hear nice things. I miss our talks. I wish I could be there with you 💕 always nature. I like to lay down in the grass and watch the sky. Deep breaths, listen to the birds and the bugs. It centers me, brings me to a realization that we are emotional beings and we put too much pressure on ourselves based on the statuses pushed by society. I'm pretty sure those birds are only fighting ober finding a mate, not who wore it better 😂
  • gal I totally get you! I felt the same especially with everything going on right now. Personally I ended up going to the doctor and being put on medication (but that's not necessarily the answer for everyone, I know). Just know that you're definitely not alone in feeling like this and if you need someone to vent to feel free to DM me over on instagram (@courteneyrennie). Sometimes it can be easier to vent to people that aren't in your "real life". Sending you lots of love ❤❤
  • Love the vulnerability and rawness. ❤️ Sending hugs and love!
  • @PrettyInPink411
    Hopefully this was therapeutic in a way. It's a good start even though it doesn't seem like it. 💛💛💛
  • No advice to offer that I’m sure you haven’t already heard, but I want to also say that I love your openness! Your videos keep getting better every time you post, so keep doing what you’re doing.
  • "Normal" isn't "Normal". I love knowing what is going on with me. Cause I feel that it's amazing. See cause I know why I'm sleepy and I know a 15min nap will help me most day's. Moving up in a job isn't easy. Over thinking sometimes isn't over thinking. Sometimes it's that you actually care and you want it to go right. See like I don't stop talking in my mind. I may seem quite. But if you could hear me talking in my head. You would be like"Man!" Ok now I think I'm talking in a circle. Just wanted to say, your not alone.