100 Glitches and Facts about Half-Life 2 that you have a low probability of knowing

Published 2022-07-16
Apologies for the inconsistencies in audio/editing/my voice. When I started the high quality videos I did not yet have a good video making process and was speaking soooo quietly. I have fixed some but not all of it cause I have to get this video out eventually and I want the files off my drive already.

0:00 How Valve protects you from a train
0:23 Hidden combine soldier
0:45 Sleeping manhacks
1:20 Odessa RPG weirdness
1:41 Citizens taking a gun from your hands
2:03 Pickups may change to suit your needs
2:26 Shooting enemy grenades vs your own
2:38 How the game prevents you from blocking the crane
3:25 Loading directly into a level
5:33 Glass concrete
5:39 Breaking the manhack door early
6:04 Seeing Manhack Matt die
7:05 Touching a strider's leg sends you flying
7:23 NPC nagging
9:23 Projectiles stick to crane magnets
9:41 Punting yourself with the gravity gun via headcrab
10:12 Being launched from poison damage
10:55 Looking at friendly NPCs makes you reload faster
11:26 Floor holes have buggy physics
12:23 Car battery puzzle has a safety net
13:09 Crossbow shots go through Alyx on only a single level
13:27 Crossbow shots get frozen by pickups
14:02 Cheating physics when it needs to work a certain way
16:35 Antlions will dig through anything
16:54 Citizens burn... weirdly
17:20 Moonwalking zombie torso
17:38 SMG-wielding NPCs leave a variable amount of ammo in the gun on death
18:16 Receiving health after dying makes you a flying zombie
19:39 NPCs are forced to be fair
19:52 Crow becomes confused if you get caught by barnacle before it does
20:43 NPCs fall through stairs
20:54 Some things activate by looking at them, what if you DON'T look?
27:16 Props get stuck in their "about to explode" state
27:47 Secret tram ride
28:33 Mysterious guy in a background view
29:11 Secret pod rides (which is totally different from secret tram rides)
30:38 Horse dick
30:47 Zombines drop grenade when shot in the arm
30:56 Water Hazard skip can be done in a slightly different way
31:28 Exploring Coast_07 and 08 when you're on the wrong map
33:20 Effects of loading into a level then going to the level before
46:38 Important NPCs can die
47:17 Obscure Grigori lines
47:56 Pacifism breaks a cutscene
49:11 Confusing the game by neither failing nor succeeding at fetch
49:55 Fragile padlocks
50:10 Grigori's electric bullets
50:34 Helicopter disappears in plain sight
51:02 Double Grigori
52:41 Grigori saying line in the wrong place
53:13 Gunship visible before it's active
53:31 Holding up a multi-ton train car
54:11 Shooting through glass
54:50 Floating wood
55:14 Headcrab hiding inside a barrel
55:35 Pickups collide with the same type of invisible walls that players do
56:31 Zombies ignore defenseless guy
56:48 Background maps
1:02:39 Longest Backtrack Possible
1:04:05 Radio Alarm in New Little Odessa
1:05:40 Citizens Pick Up Health
1:06:11 Crazy Harpoon
1:07:17 NLO out of order spawning
1:08:28 APCs are Mission-Critical
1:09:10 Ep2 Bridge Launches You
1:09:25 Noriko's Terrible Day
1:10:05 2nd "Hey Down There" Guy and Guy Climbing a Rope
1:10:28 Water Slows Down Rockets
1:11:06 Walking Around Before the Gman Speech
1:12:07 Invisible Couch and Box
1:13:02 Ignoring antlions in the first guard fight
1:14:59 Highway 17 train is harmless on foot
1:15:27 Storing antlions to amass an army
1:19:02 Infinite soldier spawns near bridge
1:21:02 Alyx phasing through car
1:21:16 Free floating energy balls have weird physics
1:21:33 Big tree shadow with no tree
1:21:44 Ep1 reuse of geometry
1:22:36 Alyx typing on an invisible computer in the car
1:23:16 If you enter a vehicle when leaving a ladder, you teleport back to the ladder when you leave the vehicle
1:24:29 Shotgun remembers that you wanted to fire
1:24:53 Coast 10 easy surf
1:25:27 Fire RPG then enter vehicle
1:25:54 NPC jumps blocked by pickups/weapons
1:26:22 Highway 17 binoculars make you invincible
1:26:57 Nova Prospekt dev texture
1:27:11 Blinky menu logos
1:27:31 Red Letter Day couch has 10,000 health
1:27:46 Town 2 fire can't hurt you if you're all the way against the fence
1:28:18 Entering the crane makes an awkward soldier get removed
1:28:41 Coast 7 train yeets rollermines
1:29:46 Canals 11, the airboat will teleport once so the vortigaunt can work on it, but you can mess with it
1:30:38 NPCs ignore you if you don't bring the airboat
1:31:02 Odessa ignores you if you play "floor is lava"
1:31:45 Coast 04 easy invisible wall to walk on
1:32:45 Avoiding the ambush outside of the Nexus
1:33:06 Nova Prospekt double doors continuously play announcement
1:34:02 Nova Prospekt get a good jump through the broken window to skip the last antlion guard
1:34:16 Shadows change angle sometimes
1:34:40 Citizens jump into the mine pit if you first jump onto the fence top

All Comments (21)
  • @Pinsplash
    FAQ Q: Why reupload??? (for the millionth time) A: When I made the original fact videos I was using my phone's shitty mic, recording and uploading in 720p on a cheap laptop, and in general didn't polish things as much as I could have. I've had plenty of comments about these problems and I couldn't really disagree. I couldn't even run with all the graphics settings on high, when NOT recording. Now I have an actual microphone and record in 1440p 60 fps with much better bitrate. Some lines are re-written to work better. The intense red effect from dying has been reduced to make it easier to see and not give you a headache. Text has been added to places where commands are used so people don't have to ask about that anymore. Certain facts which I thought were not that good have been removed or merged with other facts. Even if my existing viewers aren't interested in these re-recorded videos, new viewers will be. New viewers will be less likely to click off because of the lower quality video, audio, editing, and voicing I simply had to work with/didn't see as a problem back then. Q: Well I don't care, youtubers are all evil greedy capitalist pigs! A: Did you know I can ban you from my comments section in two clicks? Q: Mr. Youtuber! Despite not being familiar with the source code, I disagree with your informed description of how a thing works because I think it actually works like such-and-such. A: No. Q: What does "loading directly into a level" mean? A: Entering the level by using the "map" console command or through the chapter selection screen, and NOT by entering it from another level or by loading a save. The text in the corner shows what command you would enter to go directly to that level. Q: Does this video have anything new? A: Yes
  • @bukachell
    "I couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer" drops RPG on the ground
  • @springmen1922
    “Some pickups may change on what you need” Me at Nova Prospekt at 16 health and only getting shotgun ammo out of every crate.
  • @Freemelon07
    In Kliener's lab, if you pick up something and keep dropping it, Barney will eventually say "you're pissing me off, Gordon!"
  • Watching G-man get absolutely bodied by the dropship at 1:08:15 was much funnier than it should have been
  • Not gonna lie, that sequence with the regular physics train collision (15:35) is more interesting than the scripted sequence.
  • @I0NE007
    16:04 a more emotional recreation of the Mufasa-Scar scene than the official 3D remake.
  • @bpnbeckeroo
    Valve making HL2: Trigger_once ❌ Trigger_look ✅
  • @idk_chriz
    at 1:41 you can see him shoot the rocket launcher at odessa and the fact it was cut off makes it hilarious
  • @KeWDu
    Watching the buggy hold on for dear life from the railroad bridge, slipping and swinging more and more, only to eventually fall dramatically into the water below was more entertaining than it probably should’ve been.
  • @eveandromeda
    I never get sick of the “Ah there you are brother! I will send the cart it will be but a moment!” loop. There’s something really funny about two cloned NPCs reset event triggers over and over while wasting the players time.
  • @ZanaGBYT
    The glitch at 1:12:12 with the shadow couch would be super interesting for a spooky themed puzzler, actually.
  • @ComradeCovert
    52:20 lmao grigori turning the cart around on you repeatedly is so funny, like the one is trying to get you in and the other sending you out
  • @xarealpersonx
    Gordon holding out a gun for the rebel to take then at the last minute just chucking it at the wall kills me everytime
  • @noyesser
    23:06 Metrocops walking on like they didn't just kill someone that killed many Xen aliens + military units + the Nihilanth AND an interdimensional businessman