Dueling pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protests happen on UCLA campus

Published 2024-04-28
Dueling demonstrations on the UCLA campus by pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups turned physical Sunday after demonstrators breached the physical barrier the school said it established to separate the groups.

All Comments (21)
  • @techhawk1543
    Why aren't the vast majority of JEWISH students who organize these protest being interviewed on National TV ?
  • @handsomestik
    this will get bigger come November. It will be like the late 60's again
  • @qlth3620
    What i know was that the Isreal government didn't listen to U S government, and the US government is still sending funds to Israel.😂😂😂😂😂
  • @iluvphysio
    lol calling them terrorist under the flag of the oppressor and claiming antisemitism. What has this nation come to!
  • @SSKA57
    “Who’s Forces of darkness?” Those who committing genocide!
  • @skontheroad
    Pretty clear why reg news is dying....no sympathy!
  • @Gingermarie745
    Hello, May I share the most important news you will ever hear in your life? God the Father sent His holy Son Jesus Christ(Y'shua Ha' Mashiach) from heaven to earth, to be born of a virgin. He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. He was put into a tomb for 3 days, and then Abba Father raised Jesus to life and He appeared to people and went back to Heaven. We must all sincerely receive Jesus to be a true child of God. It says in John 1:12 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." Will you genuinely believe on Christ Jesus and truly receive Him today, before it is too late?
  • When you say dueling I expect swords to be involved at the very least…. I’m disappointed really I am
  • qAll we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; rand the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
  • @hodicha
    This old Arab dude at the end knows what he’s talking about
  • @ricyman5110
    This wasNetanyahu's response to the AMERICAN lawmaker (Chuksumer) : "IT'S NOT APPROPRIATE, and we are not a banana country that is dictated to by anyone, EVEN AMERICA"... and yet the taxes of American citizens paid with sweat and tears gone to Israel😂😂😂 AIPAC lobbyist money is a haven for lawmaker and officials. Are you going to just watch them have fun with their lobbyists and your taxes, while you have trouble paying your taxes??
  • @active1508
    Something MSM on BOTH sides HATE about these student PATRIOTS is they don't buy their BS and they're getting protesting down to a science. They KNOW how CRUCIAL it is to appoint media representatives, they bring gallons of milk, wear masks, and know how too lock arms. They have OBVIOUSLY learned from past protests and they have flat out STUMPED the old guard. RESPECT!
  • @jackdepalma
    The Hard Hat Riot occurred on May 8, 1970, in New York City. It started around noon when around 400 construction workers and around 800 office workers attacked around 1,000 demonstrators affiliated with the student strike of 1970. The students were protesting the May 4 Kent State shootings and the Vietnam War, following the April 30 announcement by President Richard Nixon of the U.S. invasion of neutral Cambodia. Some construction workers carried U.S. flags and chanted "USA, All the way", and "America, love it or leave it". Anti-war protesters shouted, “Peace now”.
  • @ttrknows
    To those willing to listen, Do not go out; these storms are almost over, but you will not be spared from the worst these storms have to bring, by going out now,
  • @user-sz9yz5wb6x
    When the price of eggs and milk come down ill worry about it
  • @keithounce
    Heartbreaker ! Really, a day late and a dollar short ! Mobs and peaceful marches are different !
  • @rt-a2005
    Lesly Marin looks good, anyone if she has an OF page?