Kamala Harris is ‘bad news’ for Donald Trump, says Lewis Goodall | LBC

Published 2024-07-21
In a statement on Sunday, the White House said Joe Biden has no intention of resigning as U.S. President and that he “looks forward to finishing his term and delivering more historic results for the American people.”

This comes as Republicans openly call for Mr. Biden to step down, arguing that if he cannot continue running in the election, then he is unfit to run the country.

The Biden White House says Mr Biden is both 'capable and determined' to finish out his presidency.

“President Biden inherited an economy in freefall, a skyrocketing violent crime rate, and alliances in tatters from his predecessor. He turned that around to deliver the strongest economic growth in the world and the lowest violent crime rate in nearly 50 years, while making NATO bigger than ever," White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said. “He’ll keep fighting to protect Americans’ freedoms from radical abortion bans and attacks on the rule of law.”

Lewis Goodall says a new candidate will give the Democrats a chance to highlight Donald Trump as unfit for president without having to defend Biden's fitness for office.

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All Comments (21)
  • @coujo65
    The asymmetry of the main broadcasters in the US, rating Trump and Maga on a curve, but not the Democratic candidates will continue with Kamala - get ready for all the right wing “talk” about how she looks, smiles, laughs or dresses - it’s going to be non-stop….
  • @Wildcat221
    The chance isn’t “narrow”. When Dems unite, we win. We out number them and we always out work them. She’s fundraising like crazy. She will win.
  • @emckinley1977
    Harris should confront Trump about his 69 trips on Epsteins jet 👍
  • Not one word about Trumps parlous mental state, the media has a huge role to play in the way this is framed.
  • @truetexan2011
    Trump is now the oldest presidential candidate in US history 😂😂😂 the irony is palpable
  • Actually Kamala would be our first black female Queen , as she'll have total immunity .😂
  • @slumbercat
    Why does this presenter not talk more about how unfit Trump is, or is talking about someone being an irresponsible clown too close to home?
  • @Cherrytune386
    Now dump the criminal Trump! Come on Democrats 💙💙💙
  • Want to hear what Goodall has to say, have no idea why Rachel Johnson is a host and struggle to listen to anything she says based on her lack of insight and expertise and the toxic family she is from. What to do.
  • @snaggiz
    I think she’s a far more inspired choice than Biden as things stand. Appreciate Biden as a statesman and his service to his country is in doubt great, but he was becoming a liability. This also opens up for a more interesting ticket overall in her VP pick. Not to mention that her background as a prosecutor and her younger age will allow the Dems to play more aggressively against Trump which is precisely what they should’ve been doing all along. The Dems have been forced into playing defense far too much.
  • Suddenly it is Trump who is to old, physically and mentally unfit. Harris, intelligent, educated young, sane woman. What a difference a day makes
  • @marcchrys
    Isn't Trump a person of colour? Orange 😅
  • @YesJustice
    🇺🇲🇺🇲 I will vote for any younger candidate (50 - 65yrs) who is decent, respectful and honourable, which old man Trump is an opposite of 💯💯💯💯💯
  • @redeyegooner
    She's finally unburdened from what once has was been,. can,. is,.
  • @YesJustice
    Trump is too old, and with dementia..He should step down too!!!💯💯Common Americans, we have the best younger people to lead our nation👏👏👏👍👍
  • Too many people in the US favour isolationism (bizarrely also support putin)
  • @123bwlch
    Saw a Johnson after 2 seconds turned it off.