Warriors: Badger star's calling Chapter: 1

Published 2023-09-29
Warriors rp: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32141037/

This is the website I got the title page from: https://warriorcats.com/content/image/little-warrior-badgerfang_5ed90f59e142e

please don't mention my grammar. If you see something spelled wrong please tell me in a polite way.

I'll except oc's please just fill out the bio below(If there is a section that you are unable to put in please say "none" or "nothing" or "unknown" or if it's for kin you can also put "Open"

prefix and suffix[]clan[]age(moons)[]Rank[]gender[]parents[]littermates[]other siblings[]crush[]mate[]kits[]other(Like if your an apprentice who your mentor is)