School Art Dump

Published 2023-07-05
Hiya!! I've been out of school for a bit but I totally forgot that I made art during the school year!! :DD
These were all made on my lil school laptop in MS paint!
All of the drawings are in order from oldest to most recent!!
I usually did them whenever I didn't have anything to do in class, for funsies!

I also included some irl things I did during the school year!! one was a school project but the rest were thing i did in my free time! The puppet's name is Reggie! He was kinda experimental but I think he turned out cool for my first puppet :) !!

UH but yeah there's also a tab with a bunch of characters I made, and I don't have a need for them so I'm letting people offer on them!
I'll list the UFO characters below! (in order)
1. Choco
2. Fish Bone - taken by @Splashcub
3. Glitter - taken offsite
4. Paper Man - pending to @melisbored223
5. Girr - pending to @-ChimiCat-
6. Glass person - taken by @T33nag3D1rtbag
7. Splatoon thing
8. Dirt Snacc - taken by @Splashcub
9. Lamp - taken by @the_goat_ghost
10. Skitty and Pikachu - Pending to @Kittyrainbow901
11. Robo - taken by @Joy_The_Smeargle
12. Circus Sheep - taken by @KouNavi48
13. Ikea bag
14. Stuffies! - pending to @YewTrees
15. Alien cat - pending to @starfood_
16. Shadow animals - taken by @jaenalee
17. Wormy guy - pending to @Kiwi_Kerfuffle_Art
18. Chip the wolf
19. 2 bunnies and tiger - taken by @Sunii_days
20. Cherry goat - taken by @Bulbasaurparty
21. Fore - taken by @EpicCow9999
22. Emoji cats - taken by @-CherryBlossom
23. Spicy Ramen - Pending to @pimkflowers
24. Fly trap tiger - taken by @-MaqentaReverse-
25. Possi the Opossum - Taken by @sorbebo
26. Cinnamon roll
27. M&M cookie
28. Teeth
29. Dice
30. Avocado
31. Flower lion - Taken Offsite
32. Clown puppy - taken by @Swaggyfrog225
WhEW!! okay that was alot more than i thought,,
uhmm for offers and stuff I'll take:
- Art (fulls, icons, scenes, etc)
- points (DA)
- designs
- character trades
If you have questions lmk!! <3