Stumble Guys 2D Online [BETA]

Publicado 2022-09-01
First of all, thanks a lot to @griffpatch for his tutorials. I don't know what I would have done without him. Also, thanks to @MikProMRL for encouraging me to make this project, saying he would do all the designs and in the end doing almost nothing (but he had an excuse, he wanted to play the real game).

For future updates (you can propose them in the comments):
- Add a waiting room
- Add rounds
- Win a skin each time you win a game
- Use scratchattach to save the skins you've won
- Add more skins
- Add more levels
- Add more customization things
- Add more sound effects (the cannon and when you land in the floor after a jump)
- Make it mobile friendly
- Make this project famous (that is up to you, so if you share this project with other people, that will make me even happier than if you loved, faved, followed me or all at once)

01/09/2022 (BETA v0.1) - Initial BETA release
03/09/2022 (BETA v0.101) - Solved the level cloning bugs and added a loading level screen, as well as a "Something went wrong :(" for when the game is full.
05/09/2022 (BETA v0.102) - Improved the loading screen adjusting the time.
22/09/2022 (BETA v0.105) - Added checkpoints and partly solved an initial bug that made you fly when you started a game. Improved the thumbnail mechanics (now won't disappear if you press the stop button after playing a game).
16/12/2022 (BETA v0.106) - Added the cowboy skin.

#Stumble #Guys #StumbleGuys #Fall #FallGuys #2D #StumbleGuys2D #Cloud #Online #OnlineStumble #StumbleGuysOnline #OnlineStumbleGuys #VectorArt #Art #Vector

Here's the protip I promised in the instructions. When you are playing Paint Splash, when you get to the hill, just before the two paint rollers, instead of waiting to pass between them, get to the top of the hill and make a double jump so that you get over the hidden platform and you can pass walking and hidden over the paint rollers, and then continue your trip to the goal!

You've scrolled down to much, again!