Button Tycoon 2: Reborn

Credit to Difficulty Button Simulator, a game you don't know!


v1.7.1 Stabilizing Wisdom, since there is NO way you can get it with 100 Power orbs, so I added a 1000 and 5M orb, so you need 1 Oc ascension, but that's kinda hard so I made Power have a x500 boost or something around that.
v1.7 Welcome to 1.7! Where Wisdom is possible.
v1.6.6 It's sad that the free rebirth orbs no longer get boosted. What a tragedy. On the bright side, UR orbs are now boosted by Power+ too!
v1.6.5 Rebirth orbs are now fixed (so MM+ boost rebirths)
v1.6.4 Well, bonus orbs are done. Enjoy!
v1.6.3 Guess what? MM orbs also done!
v1.6.2 Ascension orbs done
v1.6.1 Power orbs done!
v1.6 Bonus orbs are here! Yes! GET POWER NOW!
v1.5 POWER IS HERE! Along with some other MM and Asn orbs. Power is really powerful. DO NOT GET POWER YET.
v1.4.4 Ice World here! With more UP orbs too, with free rebirth orbs done too.
v1.4.3 Money shortener for Sextillions+ code was created, but not added since it doesn't work and sucks.
v1.4.2 Volcano World buttons ALL done!
v1.4.1 Ascension bug fix, really small update
v1.4 Ascension orbs done, added a few more things in Volcano World.
v1.3.3 Mega Multiplier orbs are done! They're here!
v1.3.2 A money shortener code! It is buggy around Sextillions and Septillions however.
v1.3.1 Show Variables, to see variables, to prevent them from blocking the screen. Added Ascensions - Infinity
v1.3 How about some ultra prestige free rebirth orbs! That's cool!
v1.2 ULTRA PRESTIGES ARE HERE! Free rebirth orbs will be created soon.
v1.1.1 More ultra rebirths and prestiges!
v1.1 Prestiges! Yay!
v1.0.2 Another minor update, featuring a few more ultra rebirth orbs.
v1.0.1 The rebirth orb update! The final row has been completed, as well as a few ultra rebirth orbs for your convenience :)
v1.0 Welcome, Area 4 (aka Volcano)! Welcome to the family :) Also, BUTTON TYCOON HAS BEEN RELEASED! Hooray!
v0.6 Saving! Loading! Thumbnail!
v0.5 Wow! Ultra Rebirths are back! The mine area is finished! Soon, BT2 will become ACTUALLY RELEASED. Wait what?!
v0.4.1 The small update! Another rebirth orb and a few more mine buttons.
v0.4 We are out of ALPHA! Area 3 of the buttons has released: The cave! The symbol resembles a pickaxe (well because it is one)! One more rebirth orb, just in case :)
v0.3.2 After an hour, I fixed it! Finally!
v0.3.1 After a bunch of hard work, I fixed it, but then I realized I have to do that AGAIN.
v0.3 oh god. What have I got myself into. Now I gotta fix EVERY SINGLE BUTTON in the game. Welp, I guess this update is going to a lot more than I thought, but I added a few more buttons.
v0.2 Added more buttons and rebirths! Also a new section exists so that's kool!
v0.1 Release! Hopefully things will be a lot better....