Pop 'Em (v1.2)

+800 views in 1 hour? This is insane, guys.

⚠️❗️The aiming system does not include gravity. The newer version of the game does, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/618150463/❗️⚠️

Better aiming is a thing that can be accessed for free in the shop. PLEASE DO NOT USE IT UNLESS YOU 100% HAVE TO. The game is meant to be played without it.
More stuff down there \/

Ideas for the game? Put them here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/503811/

Thanks to @8flyingtigers for testing the "full house" game mode for me. Well, he tested one round before playing 20 more, so I didn't get to keep programming for about half an hour. Oh, well.

Epic combos for a massive amount of points. Combos are collected when you pop multiple circles in one turn. My record is a x13 combo. Can you beat it?