Never say this to an *reshared*

DISCLAIMER: The comments @rawenk wrote were a JOKE. Do NOT send any hate to her. Also, this probably doesn't relate to all artists, but I personally do not like people asking for free art.
Yeah...don't ask me for free art ._.
Before you ask me anything related to art, map invites, etc, go here:
Should I make a part 2?
All art and coding by me
Scratch Vector
Eery - Her
Sound effects from YouTube
Katy Perry
Google Images
Time taken: 3 days
This is my 2nd animation ever, sorry if it's bad ;w;
"Baki baki ni ore, nani wo? Kokoro wo dayo~" uwu
Wowwww almost 100 views :0
For those of you guys that are confused:
Exposure means asking for free art
Commission means getting paid for your art.

#animations #BadArt #NeverSayThisToAnArtist