Christmas Night Delivery

Publicado 2019-12-25
Place gift- space
If you want to change your type of movement, press 1 or 2*
Up arrow- Move forward/move up
Down arrow- Move backward/move down
Left arrow- Steer left/move left
Right arrow- Steer right/move right

I had to make something for Christmas. I just had to.
SCRATCH, TO IS A WORD! (it's showing red squiggly lines beneath the to). And it's released on Christmas Eve!
It wasn't really too hard to make this project. Note, I can't fix the lag issue. If you can fix it, PLEASE TELL ME.
What I experimented with this time:
~Distance sensing variables

Fed-X Gaming- We Wish You A Merry Christmas! (MERRY CHRISTMAS!) - Minecraft Xbox |NoteBlock Song|

#christmas #christmaseve #delivery #santa #christmastree #Frankanator433 #Lighting #Clones #Art #Game #Games #Night #December #24th