Cats of All Lands! | Warrior Cats | Warriors Game | Cats of All Clans

Is the game not working for you? Try the Fast Loading version:

Want to make your own version of this game? Remix this project:

A favor to ask! If you enjoy the update, and already gave the first version a heart or star, would you heart and star it again, so people can see that the new update is here? Only if you feel like it :D But if you do, thank you! <3

What's new in the update??
- When you're in the forest and click on "Forest Map," you can see where you are within the forest
- A map of the forest! Click "Forest Map" to see all of your Clans, add more Clans, or change which Clan you're playing as.
- You can make multiple Clans!! Click "Add a Clan" to see the forest map and start adding Clans.
- TERRAIN TYPES! For the first time ever, you can choose what kind of camp you have. Note: Deciduous Forest is the only terrain that experiences seasons
- When you're making a new Clan, you can make all of the cats yourself, or you can start with some randomized cats. Helpful if you want to create a Clan quickly!
- Want your cats to visit another Clan's camp, or join another Clan? Try exploring the forest...

Note: I recommend pasting your savefile in a Word doc, Google doc, or the Notes & Credits of a Scratch project!
If you run into a bug, you can always press the stop sign. The save button will appear. Click it to save your game!

If you have a problem loading your game, don't worry! Just write me a comment about it, and I'll take a look

If you find a bug:
- Have no fear! Save your game if you can, and tell me about the bug. I'll look into it!

IMPORTANT: When you save your game, you must select the ENTIRE save file and copy it. To make sure you do this, triple click on the text of the save file and make sure a faint blue bar is highlighting all of it. Then hit copy. The last symbol in every save file is ^, so that's a good way to check if you've copied the entire thing!
Also, note that these save files are longer than the Scratch comment character limit (500 characters). I HIGHLY recommend you save these on your computer! A great place is the Notes and Credits of an unshared project.


Music: The Sims 2, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Final Fantasy XV
Sound Effects: Mario
Concept: "Warriors" series by Erin Hunter