
Published 2014-09-29
Song: I Miss You by Avril L. I drew this.

My favorite horse Pixie was sold. My mom told me someone bought her. The 'someone' rides at my barn, so that would probably mean that Pixie would still be there. After my lesson, I really missed her so I pulled her favorite kind of treat out of my bag, and walked over to her stall with a giant smile on my face. I peeked in side making a little kissing sound so she would come over, but I realized the stall was empty. I thought that must have meant that she was in her pasture then. I looked over to her nameplate, and it was blank. I quickly hurried to one of my friends to ask them where Pixie was, and that was when everything hit me. Pixie was gone. I walked over to her stall, and dropped the treat in front of it, and held back my tears. Currently, I am a sobbing mess. I wish that whenever I found a horse that I absolutely ADORED, nothing would happen to break us apart. The first horse I loved like that died from a tumor. Now, Pixie is gone. I will never see her again.