AV- Flower Crown

Published 2016-09-21
Song- Tawagoto Speaker by Miku, karaoke version
I know I haven't really shared anything since school started like 2-3 weeks ago, aaa sorry ;; I've just been really busy lately. I've also been working on this animation for a while too, since just after school started! I know since it has music in it technically it would be an AMV, but I didn't originally intend it to go with any music (although the animation does somehow go to the beat of the song??). I would've called it an AMV except the song is a sad, serious one and this animation was supposed to be one too, but I got lazy at that one part where the neck just sorta shoots out of the body im sORRY
Anyway, sorry for rambling so much ;v; I put a heck-ton of work into this AV for you guys (over 150 frames and animated entirely in FireAlpaca!) and I hope you like it!
Also I like this song a lot omg <33,,