Solid Rogue

Published 2023-06-12

Hi everyone! This is my first post and my first game made with PICO-8.

This is Solid Rogue, a "coffeebreak" roguelike where you play as Badger, a stealth operative who has just stolen plans for the bipedal nuclear weapon known as Rogue Gear! Help Badger climb 20 stories of a bad-guy infested facility to freedom!

I had originally planned for Solid Rogue to be part of the 2021 seven day roguelike challenge, having spent what free time I had the weeks before learning the ins and outs of PICO-8 from the amazing PICO-8 rogulike tutorial series by LazyDevs (specifically Krystman, the creator of Porklike). Unfortunately, with a new job and some personal duties I was unable to have a playable game before the end of the jam. I decided instead to spend a few more weeks jamming and this is what came of it.

I hope you enjoy!

-Mike (He/Him)

4.14.2021 - uploaded game
4.14.2021 - added faster reload after death and a manual "restart game" to the PICO-8 menu