Pico-8 Word Processor (Now with Virtual Keyboard)

Published 2023-06-12

As someone extremely fond of retroactively useless technology, I thought I'd take the time to make an instantly obsolete piece of software. This is the Pico-8 Word Processor, the text editor you never knew you needed (because you don't).

In seriousness, I think this project would work well to keep away distractions when writing. It strips writing down to the bare essentials, almost like writing on a typewriter. No superfluous fluff here; only the written word.

This is my first Pico-8 published project, so let me know what you think or if you can think of any additions. In the future, I'd love to create a version compatible with non-keyboarded hardware (see below) and to include more calming classical music (like clair de lune)


By modifying code from afburgess, I was able to make a quick mod that allows non-keyboarded hardware to run this software. In the future, I'd like to figure out a way to make typing a little quicker. Maybe I should move the keys around some more... Anyway, please give me any feedback you have!

Credit to @afburgess for the base code of the virtual keyboard.