
Published 2023-06-12

Wrapped up my second game, and this time it's an actual game! glares at Blocksy


A top down twin-"stick" shooter, since I felt that wasn't a very active genre around here. Utilizes P1 controls (arrows) for movement, and P2 controls (ESDF) for shooting. This may change in the future, specifically when I get a PocketCHIP and need to figure out what layout will work best there.

Zombies will come running at you from the entrances and from the corners at various speeds and in various numbers. Firing excessively will drain your clock, but successfully killing a zombie will restore some time.

Features high score saving to cartdata to give some sort of goal/objective. My high is around 600 on this build, a no-prize for whoever beats it first.

I consider this 'finished' but I'm interested in feedback on the gameplay loop, i.e. is it too hard, are the zombies too fast, is there enough time on the clock, etc as well as feedback on the controls.


(p.s. this is my first stab at making any sort of music in any capacity, ever. hopefully it's not too annoying)

(p.p.s. before anyone says so, yes, I know, my main function loop got completely out of hand and should be broken up into about 40 or so actual functions. This was my big lesson learned to apply to Game #3 lol. So use the source however you like but PLEASE try not to learn anything from it)