Dice Battle Dungeon

Published 2023-06-12

Hello! This is my first time making a game, and I really jumped into the depths with my project!

Dice Battle Dungeon is a dice deck builder, where the goal is to go against stronger and stronger enemies and see how many floors you can go!

It isn't just a game of dice, there are multiple different cards that you can play to turn the tides in your favor. The top row of cards are your personal skills, which are one use per battle, but are replenished during the next battle. The bottom row is your current hand, and these cards, once used, are gone forever. Luckily, the enemy drops loot after battle, and on level up you also find your signature skill. These automatically get added to your hand in empty spots for more fun!

This game has lots of cards, and lots of classes. 26 different cards are available to use, with the remaining tokens I had I put as many classes into this game as I could! 29 different classes with different loadouts, personal skills, signature skills, and card mutations, as well as a 30th randomizer class, which is a new adventure every time you launch!

The game might take a second to learn, as there is a lot packed into it. The basic loop goes as follows

Mutations: Each class has three personal skills, but at certain levels, these skills can "mutate" into a different skill, not all mutations are improvements. Some classes that might start out with powerful personal skills that just wreck house in the early game, might be in trouble as they slowly see their arsenal get worse and worse. Other classes that might seem weaker might actually have hidden potential to become a juggernaut.

Dice Battle Dungeon at the end of the day is a high score chaser, there is no boss, but enemies are constantly getting stronger, and you may get unlucky with your loot or have a few bad rolls. This is a deck builder that you can start up and stop at any time, get a few rounds in, or see how far you can go with a new class! I hope you all have fun!